Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Birthday, Ashton!
Ashton is 6 today! He's been counting the days until his birthday. He decided, when asked, that he wanted money instead of gifts. He was saving to buy a new Nintendo. He called me two days ago and said he'd finally had enough money to shop and he was on top of the world.
When I talked to Ashton today his Mom took control of his Nintendo so I could have a few minutes of his attention. I was thrilled to know he enjoyed his gift. I was also impressed that Angela showed him the value of waiting for all checks to arrive before shopping, teaching him about cashing a check in the bank, and delaying gratification. And Ashton, is a fast learner.

Father's Day
Today marked the first Father's Day in my life without my Dad. It was a sad day for my Mother, brothers, sister and me. We gathered at Mother's house and shared lunch together, then we went to the cemetery to place a new arrangement on the headstone.
It wasn't the gift we all wanted to give Sugar today. We wanted so much more because he gave so much more to each of us. How blessed - his wife, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren - are to have shared this great man's life. His presence and influence were huge.

Friday, June 19, 2009
Heart Attack Survivor
When Allison asked me last month if all three kids can spend the night with us on June 19, I told her, "that's the one year anniversary of my heart attack. Do you want me to have another one that day?"
Actually, having Jude, Baylee and Sophia here on this day is a true celebration of a life that was spared. I would have missed so much if I hadn't pulled through. So I'm honored to share this day with three of my nine grandchildren and praise God for giving me another year of life.
Actually, having Jude, Baylee and Sophia here on this day is a true celebration of a life that was spared. I would have missed so much if I hadn't pulled through. So I'm honored to share this day with three of my nine grandchildren and praise God for giving me another year of life.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Rock-A-Bye Baby
Have you ever wondered where nocturnal creatures sleep during daylight hours? I have, but then I'm easily amused. With the barrage of raccoons and opossums that visit our back yard to steal cat food, I have often scanned the huge trees to see if I can spot a sleeping bulk on the limbs. They can't just appear out of nowhere when the sun sets.
Robin was washing the car today and came inside to tell me to come see where the baby opossum sleeps. We've seen this little guy on numerous occasions. We're actually watching him grow up. Do you see him in the tree? He's found a little knothole for his cradle.

Friday, June 12, 2009
The Joys of Marriage
If you have never had a road map in the car between you and your husband, you have missed one of life's greatest frustrations. There's something about a road map that puts the nerves on edge, raises the blood pressure, and creates explosive verbal exchanges. Thus was the case on our recent road trip.
I will make it clear right here and now that I am not a fan of road maps. I've never been able to decipher one well. Dora the Explorer, I'm not. I've heard that we respond to one of two types of directions. I do not fit into the map type. Tell me to get on interstate whatever, go 50 miles, or 1200 miles, take this exit, turn right on that road, and I'm there. No problem. The times I made deliveries for my son at work he'd pull out a pen and paper and start drawing me a map. I'd tell him no, give me road names and a left and right. Clearly, he's the map type, just as Robin is.
I can't count the number of times we pulled to the side of the road to read a map I was supposed to be in charge of. Actually, the map was an Atlas, not a state map, so the roads weren't all listed and named. So, either Robin drove with the map in front of him or we pulled off and the map was snatched from my hands. I finally had an idea.
"When we get to the hotel, you study the map, chart our course, and I will write it all down. I'll list the roads, exits, and towns where we will pick up a new road."
"No. I don't want to do it that way."
OK. I think I know how he wants to do it. He wants to order me to read the map, remove sunglasses, dig in purse for reading glasses, and ask every few seconds if I have finally found the road. At least that's how it went down.
So here we are on the side of the road and he is telling me for the 100th time that I need to learn to read a map.
"And you need to learn how to make cinnamon rolls," I countered.
He stared at me.
He didn't get it.
"Why do I need to learn how to make cinnamon rolls?"
"The point is, neither of us know how to do everything and that's ok."
Apparently not.
It's been said that you have a solid marriage if you have survived building a house together or having one remodeled. Let me add road trips to that.
I will make it clear right here and now that I am not a fan of road maps. I've never been able to decipher one well. Dora the Explorer, I'm not. I've heard that we respond to one of two types of directions. I do not fit into the map type. Tell me to get on interstate whatever, go 50 miles, or 1200 miles, take this exit, turn right on that road, and I'm there. No problem. The times I made deliveries for my son at work he'd pull out a pen and paper and start drawing me a map. I'd tell him no, give me road names and a left and right. Clearly, he's the map type, just as Robin is.
I can't count the number of times we pulled to the side of the road to read a map I was supposed to be in charge of. Actually, the map was an Atlas, not a state map, so the roads weren't all listed and named. So, either Robin drove with the map in front of him or we pulled off and the map was snatched from my hands. I finally had an idea.
"When we get to the hotel, you study the map, chart our course, and I will write it all down. I'll list the roads, exits, and towns where we will pick up a new road."
"No. I don't want to do it that way."
OK. I think I know how he wants to do it. He wants to order me to read the map, remove sunglasses, dig in purse for reading glasses, and ask every few seconds if I have finally found the road. At least that's how it went down.
So here we are on the side of the road and he is telling me for the 100th time that I need to learn to read a map.
"And you need to learn how to make cinnamon rolls," I countered.
He stared at me.
He didn't get it.
"Why do I need to learn how to make cinnamon rolls?"
"The point is, neither of us know how to do everything and that's ok."
Apparently not.
It's been said that you have a solid marriage if you have survived building a house together or having one remodeled. Let me add road trips to that.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
What If.......
You were driving down the road and saw me being arrested and shoved into a police car? What possible crime could little ole me have committed? This is the question I posed to some of my family and friends. The answers were surprising, funny, true, and downright sweet. I want to share the answers here.
Angela: "Shoplifting perfume." Ah, she knows me well. My 160 bottles I have now will never be enough. It's my passion and passions have to be satisfied.
Cristal: "Stealing uteruses and stuffing them to hang on walls as trophies." This is an inside joke, a crazy story about my pickled uterus. Of course Cristal would think of this one.
Allison: "Indecency." Hmmm. At my age? I think I'm more apt to swallow this bod in sweats than expose anything. But I guess there are different forms of indecency to ponder.
Joe: "A hate crime or prostitution." Again, at this age? Maybe a hate crime.
Donna: "Talking back to a cop." Yes, I see that happening. I seem to remember a cop telling me I had time to stop before the light turned red, instead of plowing through it. I told him if I had, my kid would have gone through the windshield. Of course, this was before seat belt laws and car seats. I have been known to mouth off.
Bob: "I couldn't answer your crime question." I like that. He couldn't think of a single reason why I'd be arrested. Let's keep it that way.
Jan: "No idea. Maybe failure to pay the ticket for turning right on red?" See, I do have a thing about red lights. But I did pay that ticket and sent a nasty letter with it. If it hadn't been a red light camera, I probably would have talked back to the cop.
Paula P: "Driving under the influence of Peanut M&Ms." I love this! She's caught on to another passion of mine.
Cheryl: "BB, I honestly have to say it was a false arrest." Is that sweet or what? My friend who knows me so well, is at a loss as to why someone like me would be arrested. I think she's being kind because she does know a whole lot about me. Stay away from Bob, Cheryl. He's clueless and that's a good thing.
Rita: "It was definitely a mistaken identity." Oh, Rita, I love you! That you can say that about me after being married forever to my brother means a lot. Will you be my judge?
If I asked this question of myself, I'd have to agree with most of you. You know me well. However, I'll leave the indecency and prostitution to someone else. And I hate housework, but is that a crime?
Angela: "Shoplifting perfume." Ah, she knows me well. My 160 bottles I have now will never be enough. It's my passion and passions have to be satisfied.
Cristal: "Stealing uteruses and stuffing them to hang on walls as trophies." This is an inside joke, a crazy story about my pickled uterus. Of course Cristal would think of this one.
Allison: "Indecency." Hmmm. At my age? I think I'm more apt to swallow this bod in sweats than expose anything. But I guess there are different forms of indecency to ponder.
Joe: "A hate crime or prostitution." Again, at this age? Maybe a hate crime.
Donna: "Talking back to a cop." Yes, I see that happening. I seem to remember a cop telling me I had time to stop before the light turned red, instead of plowing through it. I told him if I had, my kid would have gone through the windshield. Of course, this was before seat belt laws and car seats. I have been known to mouth off.
Bob: "I couldn't answer your crime question." I like that. He couldn't think of a single reason why I'd be arrested. Let's keep it that way.
Jan: "No idea. Maybe failure to pay the ticket for turning right on red?" See, I do have a thing about red lights. But I did pay that ticket and sent a nasty letter with it. If it hadn't been a red light camera, I probably would have talked back to the cop.
Paula P: "Driving under the influence of Peanut M&Ms." I love this! She's caught on to another passion of mine.
Cheryl: "BB, I honestly have to say it was a false arrest." Is that sweet or what? My friend who knows me so well, is at a loss as to why someone like me would be arrested. I think she's being kind because she does know a whole lot about me. Stay away from Bob, Cheryl. He's clueless and that's a good thing.
Rita: "It was definitely a mistaken identity." Oh, Rita, I love you! That you can say that about me after being married forever to my brother means a lot. Will you be my judge?
If I asked this question of myself, I'd have to agree with most of you. You know me well. However, I'll leave the indecency and prostitution to someone else. And I hate housework, but is that a crime?
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
GNO - Paula P's Birthday
The Texas Divas had a blast today. Several of us pitched in and took Paula shopping for her birthday gifts. She'd spotted a pink pitcher at a store awhile back and it was still there when we got there today. She got it and some costume jewelry and other goodies at another store.
Paula looked wonderful in the birthday tiara. Also, we were all sporting Diva pins, compliments of Patty.

As always, we had a fun visit with lots of laughter. Not only did we linger at our table long after the Cookie Monster was devoured, but we stood in the parking lot and continued the fun. This is the first of many birthday celebrations Paula will enjoy. Her actual birthday is June 16 and she is so worthy of all the attention and recognition. Paula is one of the most thoughtful women I've ever met and a big heart to match.

We missed two of our Divas, Deb and Paula F., whose schedules are getting too hectic to attend GNO on a regular basis. We look forward to the time when our lives get back to normal.
One highlight of the day was of me sprawled on the sidewalk outside a store. For some reason, I didn't see an obvious curb and jammed my toes into it and down I went. I fell so hard that it busted open my sack and broke one of my purchases. Now, at 11:00pm, the soreness has set in and I'm limping and my big toe is swollen. Tomorrow, my hand, leg and arm will join in, I'm sure. Just call me graceful.
Happy birthday, Paula! We so enjoyed our day and evening with you and hope your other celebrations are equally fun for you. You are so special.
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Candice, The High School Graduate!
What a milestone: Candice, my first grandchild, has graduated high school. I can't believe she is this grown up. I can't believe my son has a child this big. I can't believe I have traveled all these years with them and in such a short length of time.
The graduate with her family. What a beautiful group! This was a very proud moment for each of us.
Candice's graduating class boasted almost 600 students. I was pleased to see her cap and gown in red, just like Memaw's was.
This picture is extra special to us because Allison has one of her own graduation from college and she was holding her little niece, Candice. Fortunately, Allison doesn't age. But Candice has changed a bit from the sweet toddler in her Aunt Dee's arms.
The above two pictures are of Candice with both sets of grandparents. There was a lot of pride going around.
Two lovely sisters sharing the moment. Camryn will miss seeing her older sister at school next fall.
We all met afterwards for Mexican food to celebrate Candice and her accomplishments. It took two tables, but we were able to fit all 15 of us close by.

Saturday, June 06, 2009
Jude, The Graduate
Jude recently graduated from kindergarten and it was a big evening for our family. Robin and I left the next day for our trip so I'm a little late posting this great event.
All the children had speaking parts which always makes the program cute and fun. I'm amazed how the kids can remember all those lines.
Jude had closing prayer after graduation. I was so proud of him, as were his Mom and Dad. He spoke so clearly, never stumbled over a word or phrase, and thanked God for the christian school and teachers. And he doesn't have a shy bone in his body. He gets that from his Mom!
This is Jude with his teacher. He will really miss her and school over the summer break. He loved going to school and being with everyone. I hope that passion continues.

Thursday, June 04, 2009
Happy Birthday, Mother
The celebrating has begun. Allison, the kids, and I took Mother to pick up our mutual friend Betty and head out to lunch. When we got back to Betty's, she surprised us with her famous chocolate meringue pie! Oh yeah. We did some serious eating! And it was as good as we remembered. Thanks, sweet Betty!
The Birthday Girl enjoying only the first of the lunches planned in her honor. She deserves this special attention.
We did this fun outing last month too for Betty's birthday. It was such a hit that we are thinking of making it a "must do" as often as we can.
Jude loves his little sister, Sophia. This is a sweet picture of them at lunch. Jude had prayer before we ate, lead out in the birthday song, and took care of the tab since he was the only man at the table. Actually, he left the money on the counter since no one was there, but we caught up with him and asked for our change.
Allison with her two oldest. Baylee was in a good mood, just not a picture-taking one.
Today Mother gets treated to birthday lunch with her three sons and one daughter-in-law will be able to join them. Donna will spend the weekend with her and the pampering will continue. I hope Mother feels as loved as she really is.
Our photographer, Jude, took this picture after telling us he wanted all adults in the picture. He did quite well and had fun using the camera.

Happy birthday, Mother! I hope spending special time with your family and friends have taken away some of the emptiness as you celebrate this day without the love of your life by your side.
I know your pain since I lost my own husband on your birthday 16 years ago today. It gets better but you never forget.
Monday, June 01, 2009
9 Days, 9 States, Family Fun
Robin and I returned home from a wonderful vacation two days ago. We took a long scenic drive to visit Angela, Clayton, Ashton, Juliet, and Callan. We had a great time touring the newly remodeled cottage in the mountains, and loving on the three grandchildren I don't get to see often enough.
We were treated to dinner, both at restaurants and at home with Angela's vegan cooking skills honed to perfection. We were offered the master suite and bath with a vase of fresh beautiful peonies. And Angela kicked us out one evening with a gift certificate for a nice cozy dinner for two, sans precious grandchildren.
I'd complain about all the fighting over who gets to sit by Memaw if it weren't so darned sweet.
Our visit with Clayton was too brief since he had to return to the real world and work. But we enjoyed visiting with him and seeing all the sights as he drove us around.
I was thrilled to finally get to meet Erin, one of Angela's dearest friends. As a bonus, I got to meet Karen, Erin's mother. We thought it'd be fun to plan a mother/daughter retreat at the cottage someday. Beautiful ladies.
Little Callan on the drums. Those golden curls and blue eyes just melt the heart. I could hear the sweet sounds of "Memaw, Memaw" every morning when he awoke. Yes, I felt special.
See? I'm actually standing in that beautiful cottage! How I longed to walk those rooms and it was well worth the wait. Saying goodbye to these three little ones was hard.
I am so stinkin' proud of this handsome foursome! I asked if I could take them home with me. Ashton jumped at the offer, saying he'd get to spend time with cousins Jude and Thomas. Juliet politely declined. She's a Mama's Girl and couldn't imagine leaving her side.
We took our time driving home and ended up putting over 2500 miles on Robin's truck. We both love road trips and prefer back roads to interstate. There's so much to see and enjoy. My senses were filled with mountains, water, and lush green foliage. The last time we tried a trip of this length I ended up in the hospital and we both felt cheated. Fortunately, no emergency rooms on this trip.

This is an old moonshine stile. As I recall, some of my distant relatives knew a lot about this piece of machinery.

The above picture is of a natural bridge in Arkansas. It's in a very remote part of a mountain, complete with scary curves in the road. But it was an interesting sight.

We browsed several wood carving shops, purchased rocks and mining bags to pan for our own gold and gems, and some pottery shops and flea markets. We saw two shops whose names were an interesting play on words:
A dog grooming salon - Doggie Style (hmmm, that does conger up the intended image)
A flea market and antiques mall - Fleas & Tiques (I'm guessing that those fleas and tiques could be handled at Doggie Style)
Thank you, Angela and Clayton, for a wonderful time. We so enjoyed your company, hospitality, and those three sweet kids!
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