Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

Today marked the first Father's Day in my life without my Dad. It was a sad day for my Mother, brothers, sister and me. We gathered at Mother's house and shared lunch together, then we went to the cemetery to place a new arrangement on the headstone.It wasn't the gift we all wanted to give Sugar today. We wanted so much more because he gave so much more to each of us. How blessed - his wife, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren - are to have shared this great man's life. His presence and influence were huge.


cheryl said...

Such an emotional day. Our fathers were so special. I now thank God that I was blessed to have the time with my father, and I know you are too.

They were TWO in a million. I think of your Dad often. He has left his mark on so many people.

Hang in there BB......

Jan Tucker said...

Anyone can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a "Daddy". I know you miss your Sugar. Bob Hope comes to mind in him saying "Thanks for the memories".

dee said...

I'm sorry we had to miss the special time at the farm. I thought of him often this holiday and found the perfect card for him at Target. It was an old guy pushing his false teeth out of his mouth and smiling. That would have been the perfect card for my sweetie face.

Donna said...

The arrangement was beautiful! I miss our Daddy terribly.
I know he would have been pleased to have us all come together even though he wasn't there. I do feel his presence. I don't ever want to lose that. What a great man!