The celebrating has begun. Allison, the kids, and I took Mother to pick up our mutual friend Betty and head out to lunch. When we got back to Betty's, she surprised us with her famous chocolate meringue pie! Oh yeah. We did some serious eating! And it was as good as we remembered. Thanks, sweet Betty!

The Birthday Girl enjoying only the first of the lunches planned in her honor. She deserves this special attention.

We did this fun outing last month too for Betty's birthday. It was such a hit that we are thinking of making it a "must do" as often as we can.

Jude loves his little sister, Sophia. This is a sweet picture of them at lunch. Jude had prayer before we ate, lead out in the birthday song, and took care of the tab since he was the only man at the table. Actually, he left the money on the counter since no one was there, but we caught up with him and asked for our change.

Allison with her two oldest. Baylee was in a good mood, just not a picture-taking one.

Today Mother gets treated to birthday lunch with her three sons and one daughter-in-law will be able to join them. Donna will spend the weekend with her and the pampering will continue. I hope Mother feels as loved as she really is.

Our photographer, Jude, took this picture after telling us he wanted all adults in the picture. He did quite well and had fun using the camera.

Memaw always enjoys those affectionate grandchildren!
Happy birthday, Mother! I hope spending special time with your family and friends have taken away some of the emptiness as you celebrate this day without the love of your life by your side.
I know your pain since I lost my own husband on your birthday 16 years ago today. It gets better but you never forget.
I love that pic of nanaw and sophia, so sweet.
Happy Birthday Nanaw! I love you and enjoyed our day yesterday!
I also enjoyed that pie - what a treat.
Happy birthday Bobbie. You look great. I am so glad you enjoyed a wonderful day with your family and will continue having blessings in your life. It is uncanny how much you look like and remind me of my own Mother.
people in attendance:
Peggy, nanaw, betty, jude, baylee, sophia, randee and Randee's boobs. Good Lord!
Yeah Randee, they were out there!
Happy Birthday my sweet Mother! I'm so glad you have so many kids who love you so much! You are blessed and such a blessing to us!
I'm looking forward to my time with the beautiful ladies.
HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Sounds like you are going to have a busy week. Wish I could celebrate with you.
Love you
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