I hope Robin and I aren't singing this old ballad in a few weeks after our recent attempt at gardening. I came home from work to find many bags of top soil and two large flats of flowers. While Robin cleaned the pool I emptied bags of soil into the flower planter, then asked him why I was doing the hard part. Those bags are heavy!
Once the soil was even and smooth, we arranged the flowers and checked the spacing before pushing them gently in the damp earth. Now, we're hoping our thumbs are greener than we think they are. Neither one of us is given to gardening.
I wish gardening was my cup of tea. I love lush lawns and colorful blooms, but I want to admire them after someone else has tended to them. I equate gardening to camping. Why leave the comfort of my home to go outside and rough it? It's never made sense to me. I have a comfortable mattress, indoor plumbing, and central air and heat. To give all that up to sleep in a tent, on hard ground, would be torture. The lack of a bathroom is even more unthinkable.
So it shouldn't come as any surprise that I don't relish getting my hands in dirt, wiping perspiration, and feeling the aches and pains in my back as I empty another bag of top soil. I actually had dirt under my fingernails. Robin commented that he'd never before seen my hands covered in dirt. I assured him he probably hadn't.
I must admit, however, that once the chore was completed, I showered and cooked dinner, then looked outside and felt proud of our simple gardening. I just might tackle the planter around the mailbox next. But Robin will be lifting the bags.
Enjoy your pretty view....that is until the weeds start growing and you're back to sweating because you've got to pull them! :)
Peggy, I just ordered both books. I can't wait to get them!
You and I are not alike in this respect--I LOVE the the color, the composition, the getting dirty of gardening...huh, sounds like painting. No wonder I love it so much! Although, after yesterday's stint in the yard, I woke up with little red bumps on my arm. Please, oh, please do not be poison ivy. I've lived here two years and have escaped it. And now I'm a week away from the BIG birthday party (and my cute little maternity tube top) and I may have an oozing rash on my arm. Great for all the cooking I'll have to do.
Anyway, the flowers look great! It will be even prettier when they spread and fill up the planter. And that is one of the joys of gardening--the anticipation.
That's great, Cristal! I hope you read the previews at my website to make sure it is the kind of reading material you like. Thank you!
Angela, your yard is lovely and it's obvious that you enjoy making it that way. I'd hate for you to be too much like me! As my flowers grow - if they grow - the fullness will hide the weeds Cristal reminded me of.
I am feeling very guilty right now, thinking of all the weeds I need to be pulling. Periwinkles that I have in this one large spot, come up every year just as full as ever before and even different colors, I don't do a thing! So I am really ashamed that I don't even give them a little tender loving care!
By the way BB, did you just do your hair before planting flowers???? I can't say the next word on a public blog, but you know what I am thinking!!!!!
FF, I planted flowers after I came home from work. I did my hair for work, not gardening. Remember when I washed my hair in Bandera? Contrary to popular belief, I wouldn't do my hair just to go outside and sweat. Makeup, yes. And shame on you! I know which word you were thinking! :)
LOL LOL LOL......We are still on the same wave length!!!!
Peggy, I used to read novels all the time while I was in school. Haven't read much in the last several years but I read the previews of the books and they sound really good. I'm waiting for them to come in!
You just hope the flowers will blossom enough to cover the weeds! haaaaa But they are pretty.
Sissy, every time you go by your flowers, pick a few weeds and it won't get all grown up and become a bigger job. I'm not much of a gardener, but I have learned to enjoy pulling the weeds out. It's easier if the soil is moist, so..... water.
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