Saturday, June 23, 2007

More Flowers, More Dirt

Apparently Robin thinks I had a wonderful time planting flowers so he rushed out and bought more while I was at church. This time we planted begonias at the mailbox planter. Robin has put me in charge of watering them. He's in charge of telling me when they need water since I have a bad habit of making my indoor plants beg. When they are slumped over as if in prayer, it reminds me that all living things need water.

I was really touched by Robin's interest in adding color and beauty around our house until he told me the act of planting would keep me off the computer. Then, in exasperation, he told me, "I bought you flowers to plant to keep you busy and away from the computer and here you are blogging about the flowers". Sorry. Such is the nature of blogging.

We added leftover flowers to the planter by the pool so we now have an assortment of flowers there. I will keep you informed about their growth in pictures. Or not. Depends on how well they survive under my care.


Peggy said...

Cheryl, in this picture I'd done my hair for church, not planting flowers. Just thought I'd get a step ahead of you.

Anonymous said...

LMAO oh me..........I was reading and thinking, oh boy, I have proof, as she looks even better in this picture!!!!! Funny thing is I just got back from Church, my hair is limp and frizzy and I haven't even been near a planter box. Well that's a lie, I did pass by mine on the way into the house from the car... I NEED A BANDERA WEEK~

angela | the painted house said...

Did you wear this ensemble to plant the flowers? White capris? You look so natural with that garden implement in your hand.

And, Robin...can't he water the plants while he is working at home ALL DAY? Don't you have enough to do when you get home?

Peggy said...

I have a feeling Robin will end up doing most of the watering since he knows how I am.

As for the white capris, I dressed not knowing I was going outside to plant. It didn't take long to fill that small space.

BB, we always need a Bandera week!

Peggy said...

Angela, the "garden implement" is a troll as I called it. Robin corrected me and called it a trowel. I said, "right, a troll hides under a bridge".

Anonymous said...

You should see me when I'm planting flowers or pulling weeds. It's a wonder James stays at home on weekends. You look mauvalous!