Yee-haw! It's opening weekend of hunting season and the slumber parties have begun! And we started with a bang. Both Patty's city and mine had six earthquakes, something very uncommon for our area. The strongest was a 3.0 which is very puny, fortunately. Did I feel them? No. Did Patty? No. Maybe it's our age. The ground beneath our feet can be unstable at times and we might not be able to distinguish between the usual imbalance or an earthquake. I prefer to believe it was because it wasn't that strong. At any rate, we survived the Texas 2008 Earthquake.
The first slumber party was meant to be low key. We wanted to take it easy and do our own thing. We had an early dinner at a favorite Mexican restaurant, then home for books, news, games, and chatter.

We made a short trip to a mall and drooled over these giraffe purses. We never found one with the size and trim we wanted, nor the price range. But they were pretty.

No trip to the mall is complete without a stop at the perfume counter. Patty bought us both a bottle of 24K. I haven't worn it in awhile since it causes Robin's allergies to act up, and boy! did it smell good. I'll at least wear it the two months he's hunting.

We were smelling pretty strong when we finally left the store. I don't know how many samples we tried, but our sleeves were raised above our elbows to find another place to spritz.

Patty with Weasil as we watched more news about the upcoming presidential election.

Fully sated after a feast of pizza and bread sticks. Later, Patty read in bed while I played games on the computer. Very lazy, very indulgent.
The Great White Hunter called to tell me that he hadn't gotten anything, but the guys with him had a total of three hogs and two deer. Robin has already had a productive pre-season at home, with 5 opossums and 4 raccoons.
Next weekend promises to be another fun time, free of restricting schedules. We LOVE hunting season!
Note: Please disregard the dates on these pictures. I only set the clocks back an hour, not six years. Robin has the newer camera with him and I used an older one.
Glad you two ladies survived the earthquake! I read about that on Yahoo and thought that was so strange.
Whose finger is in the perfume photos? I need to send you both to photgraphy school! :)
Tell Robin there was a buck in our driveway the other night. It's the truth.
Sorry Sissy! I'm wearing 24K today. I'm really loving it! I could have given it back to you. I feel bad now.
Patty's favorite color is.........
no bogo???
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