The Kindergarten classes at Jude's school had their Thanksgiving program this morning for the parents and grandparents. There were a lot of adorable Indians and Pilgrims on that stage. Jude was an Indian and his Indian name was Swimming Shark, which was displayed on the back of his vest. No big surprise to us since his interest in sharks is well known.

This is Jude's Thanksgiving artwork that adorned the walls of the room where they presented their program. His handprints make up the Turkey's feathers.

Jude and his sweet teacher, Mrs. Hollaway, in front of the tribe's teepee. Jude is really fond of this lady and I can see why.

These young ladies insisted on having their picture taken with their classmate, Jude. He wasn't objecting either. He was proud to show off his friends and family to each other.

Jude with his proud Mama. Allison shed a few tears as she watched her firstborn do the hand motions to the songs they sang. I'm sure she was thinking, "wasn't he just a baby a short, short time ago?". I've been there and I know the feeling.

"Swimming Shark" in full dress for a picture with his Dad. Brian took lots of pictures and videos and it was a proud moment for all of us. Jude did a wonderful job with his songs and speaking part, and he showed us all how excited he was to have us there. That's our boy!
Jude, I love your art work! It's beautiful! It looks like you had a good time today.
Are those girls your girlfriends???
BTW, I've been catching up on your blog and I was in GA on Nov 2nd. Was there really an earthquake here??? My Dad has told me they had tremors up in OK where he grew up which always surprised me to hear. And I felt a few while living in WA for a year. But HERE???
School programs are so much fun! I miss that about homeschool. Jude, love your name! Titer, beautiful photo of you and your boy.
Today was a highlight of motherhood. He dictated to his teacher that he was thankful for: Toys, bithdays, mom and dad, and going to "this" school. We are so blessed to have found this wonderful school and equally wonderful teacher.
These are wonderful pictures! You can see mother and son just beaming. I wish I could be in on the fun. Such a special feeling to see little ones showing off their school, teacher and parents (and memaw's). I can only imagine what a parent would feel like...
Jude is such joy to watch grow up. He shows interest in what is going on and appreciates his blessings. Good parenting Brian and Randee!
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