Our 4
th and final Christmas for 2009 was last night and we had a ball. There was a slew of eager grandchildren, just waiting to tear into the presents. Christmas has always been the most fun when children are involved.

I'm always proud of the family pictures. Here's my beautiful Allison with her family. Sophia didn't feel well and was not in the picture taking mode. Nothing is much fun when sick.

My beautiful Angela with her family. I'm so thankful they came for Christmas and I really enjoyed the sleepover with these precious kids.

My handsome Ron with his beautiful family. We missed Candice, who had to work. I was happy that
Camryn was able to rearrange her work schedule.

Mama with her three grown up babies. Ron thought it funny to mess up my hair but I have news for him: it was already a mess due to my hot rollers biting the dust. Thanks to Angela and Clayton for slipping in a new set when I wasn't looking. Aren't those some gorgeous kids???

Sophia definitely looks like she doesn't feel well. She was a cuddle bug most of the night, mostly in her Daddy's lap. Brian didn't feel well either and he and Sophia missed our dinner at a Mexican restaurant.

The house was busting at the seams with family, as it should be.

We had another white Christmas! Ashton and Juliet posed with snowflakes drifting in their hair.

Christmas is over for another year but the warm memories last forever. What a fabulous day with family.
They are a beautiful bunch! I'm sorry Brian and Sophia felt sickly. Hopefully it won't travel any farther. Glad you got to see all your kids. I'm glad I did too.
good pics! I love that pic of Juliet at the last. pretty girl
What a group!! Everyone together, that's wonderful. Hope Sophia and Brian are doing better. I have two sick boys here also.
So glad Angela and Clayton were able to make the trip. Even when they are not here, thank goodness for Blogs, Facebook, emails and last but not least and most important is the Telephone to hear their voices.
Love ALL the pictures. Your house is always Lived, Laughed and Loved in!!
I love that last pic of Juliet too.
Dee, you look fabulous. All that hard work you've done has paid off and you look great! Sorry Sophia and Brian were sick. But I'm glad EVERYONE didn't sick like that one Thanksgiving that Ashton STILL talks about how many times he threw up! haaaaaaaaa
Peggy, inevitably when it's an important day the one and only blow-dryer, flat iron, curlers will die! grrr But glad you a replacement!
You have such a beautiful family!!
Thank you for hosting! And, of course, the yummy cinnamon rolls. You are still beautiful without your rollers. We all enjoyed being there with everyone. And I got to wear my new necklace and earrings again last night out with Greg and Rach. Thank you!
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