Sunday, August 30, 2009

Baylee's Birthday Party

We had a delightful girls outing today for Baylee's 5th birthday. We shopped at the American Girl Boutique & Bistro and enjoyed lunch there too. Baylee's now the proud owner of a doll who looks just like her, compliments of her parents.
Sophia loved all the dolls and after I took a picture of her with one, she wanted many more. She would hug them to her and strike a pose.

I'm teased a lot about being an inept photographer, but I am proud to announce that I took this picture of Thomas jumping off the diving board. Baylee's celebration also included swimming, cake and ice cream.

The dads, uncle and brothers joined us after the girlie shopping was done for a dip in the pool.

Guess who made Baylee's birthday cake since her mom is working full time on little sleep? Her Daddy! She wanted a strawberry cake and Brian whipped up one for her in no time. It was actually delicious. Who said only Moms bake cakes?

The girls are encouraged to have lunch with their dolls. If you didn't bring one, they have dolls you can borrow and they come with little chairs so they can sit beside the girls. Such a cute idea.

Jennifer and Jean brought their daughters for the fun outing. There's nothing like a girls day out.

Sophia was thrilled to share lunch with a guest doll. She hugged it a lot and we were afraid there would be tears when they said goodbye, but Sophia was a big girl. She was content to just let us know she wants one for her birthday.

Avery is with her doll while we were waiting for lunch to be served. They really favor!

Kristin and Baylee were all smiles as they blended in with the other dolls at the table.

The four young ladies paused for a picture, then it was back to shopping.

Sophia was smitten by the smaller baby dolls in their cute cribs, swings, and high chairs.
It was definitely a wonderful day in wonderland for all of us today. It was the perfect way to celebrate Baylee's big day. I can't wait to see Baylee and her doll in their matching pink shirts and denim pants!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Happy Birthday, Baylee!

Guess who is 5 years old today? It's our beautiful Baylee Girl! She's been counting the days until her birthday. A whole new world is opening up to her as she turns 5. She will be attending Wee School and Zoo School. Our Baylee loves animals and has such a tender, gentle nature about her. She has yet to meet an animal who hasn't captured her heart.
She's a very important member of her family. She's a middle child like her Mom and Memaw. Jude aka Indiana Jones is the oldest and Sophia is the baby sister. Baylee has a cozy center seat.

She looks pretty cozy in this picture with Jude and Sophia. What a beautiful threesome!

Baylee has developed a very unique sense of humor. She comes out with the funniest comments. However, she comes by it naturally since her whole family is witty.

I don't know when this little angel grew up to become 5 years old. I'm sure we witnessed the subtle changes along the way, but still have a feeling that time rushed on without me. Wasn't she a doll? Isn't she still a doll?
Happy birthday, Baylee Girl! Your Memaw loves you very much!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Move Over, Rita, Make Room for Leiann

A few posts back I told about a new frightening side of my sister-in-law Rita. It had to do with her encounter with a coral snake. Now it seems I have a similar concern about my daughter-in-law Leiann. She is pictured here with her alien son Thomas. Maybe dealing with an alien every day makes other occurrences minor. Whatever the reason, I put Leiann in the same super woman category as Rita. Rita will have to share the title. This is what happened.

Thomas ran in to his dad and exclamimed, "Dad, there's a snake in my Legos!"

"Can't be, Thomas," Ron told him. "It's probably a tail to one of your Bionicles that you saw."

Thomas was adamant. "It's a snake. It is moving."

Ron was also adamant. "Then, Buddy, get your mama. I ain't touchin' the thing."

Thomas got his mom and informed her that a snake had slithered into his Legos bucket, which is at least a foot tall. Leiann went to see. Sure enough, there was a snake. Now, that's unusual. That's horrifying. That's unthinkable. But what followed next was unbelievable. Leiann picked up the wretched thing - all the while it is nipping at her fingers - and tosses him out the back door. It's done. Over. And I'm having a hard time wrapping my brain around this.

I understand that Leiann and Rita married into our family and, consequently, never swam in our family gene pool. That must account for their lack of Snake Fear, a true, real, honest-to-goodness family trait of ours. Which explains, too, my son's reluctance to be the hero in this situation. He does swim in our gene pool. Plus, I think I scarred him for life during a childhood incident.

He and Allison were playing in the back yard when I heard them yelling. I started running out the door while asking what was wrong. They told me there was a snake by their swing set. I turned right around and headed for the safety of the porch. Then I called them to me, assuring them they wouldn't get hurt. I didn't go to them. They were two and four and I knew their fear didn't equal mine. But it must have had lasting effects since Ron had Leiann wear the pants that day.

"What would you have done had it been a roach," Ron asked her.

"There is no way I would have touched it," Leiann said. "It would have scared me to death!"

Really? I don't like uninvited bugs in my house but I'm not afraid of them. I have no problem picking them up and disposing of them. A snake doesn't fit into the same category for me.

I have an idea! Donna lives in the middle of a rattlesnake pit. She's in our gene pool and I worry about her constantly. Suppose Rita and Leiann moved in with her to control the snake population? Donna would no longer be at risk and Rita and Leiann, the super women, would be in their element.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Happy Birthday, Callan!

The grand finale in my "Cloud 9" of grandchildren is a handsome 2-year-old today! Callan not only has beautiful blue eyes and blond curly hair, but he also has a sweet temperament. Yes, we are mighty proud of this boy!
Our big 2-year-old is getting an extensive vocabulary. He speaks both English and Spanish. Of course I love to hear him say Memaw.

Is this adorable or what? Look at those luscious lips. You just want to scoop him up and have him for dinner.

He's changed a lot since this picture with his Dad appeared on the cover of a parents magazine. They grow up too fast. We need to pause and drink it all in while we can.
Happy birthday, my sweet boy. I'll be calling and you might not understand the birthday song, but I'll understand Memaw coming out of your sweet mouth. I love you bunches!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Forever Friends

Sixteen years ago today God led two heart-broken women to the same grief seminar, searching for the same support and understanding. It resulted in a lasting friendship. God is soooooo good! Thank you, Cheryl, for 16 years of support and understanding. You are priceless.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I'll Miss You, Sharon

We all understand the bittersweet feelings we experience when a dear one moves away. I was a puddle of tears as I waved goodbye to Cheryl when she moved to another state. I suffered the anguish of separation when Angela and her family followed a new job. And Saturday night we attended a farewell/birthday party for my dear friend, Sharon. The sweet comes from knowing fresh opportunities await them in their new location. The bitter is the pain deep inside that follows a farewell hug, and the vast stretch of highway between you. But thanks to the electronic world we live in, separation doesn't have to be so painful.

I couldn't wait to pull into the driveway, cut the engine, and find the friendly faces of Sharon and Rachael, her daughter. Rachael is best friends with my Angela and this is how Sharon and I met. I've only been honored to have one other instant friendship form at the first hello. Needless to say, Sharon and I hit it off just as our daughters had. Plans for a mother/daughter retreat are in the near future.

Birthday cakes for Sharon and Rachael's husband, Greg. The back deck was loaded with tables full of food. Sharon's son tended the grill and groups were scattered all over the yard, having fun.

My hopes and prayers for a happy life go with Sharon and Ron. They will be missed by so many, but close to each heart. Some friendships are too big, too endearing, to let miles come between them. Such is the case with Sharon and me. Not only will we be sending e-mails through cyber space, but we will make a point to cross those miles and hug hello.
God bless you, Sharon, for the sunshine you have brought into my life. I'll miss your smiling face, but I know I will continue to bask in the glow of our friendship. Keep those e-mails coming. I love you, friend.

Friday, August 14, 2009

We Love You, Rita, But........

My sister-in-law Rita has been a treasured part of our family for many years. Few people are as sweet and thoughtful, as family-oriented, as tender-hearted as Rita. She is a mighty prayer warrior, a listening ear, and a great source of support for me. We all love her dearly. So why the But in my title?

I just learned of a side of Rita that frightens me. I'm concerned about her mental stability. I worry about her safety. I'm wondering if she is all girl or some super woman in disguise. This is what happened to cause my concern.

Recently Rita and her dog Lewis were walking the trails on her wooded property. They do this daily and it's always worried me. There are all kinds of varmints in the woods. This is a time of peace and solitude for Rita while I'd be on the lookout for anything that moved. Well, they were strolling along when they happened upon a coral snake. A coral snake, people! Rita takes the time to recite "red and yellow kill a fellow" and quickly determined that the red and yellow bands did indeed meet. It was poisonous. She and Lewis take off running for the house.

I would have, too! And once I reached the house I would have locked every door and boarded every window and rushed to shower off the weebee-jeebees. So I was shocked to hear Rita say that she rushed home for the camera. The camera?

"Well, I knew no one would believe me unless I took a picture of that coral snake," she told me.

She grabs her camera and she and Lewis head back into the woods and find the snake not far from where they had left it. Our little shutterbug just began snapping away. She has proof now of her encounter with a coral snake whose red and yellow bands meet and whose mouth is full of venom. I just stared at her.

"Coral snakes have a very small mouth," she informed me. "They would have to get a finger or the tip of an ear in order to bite."

That's it? You felt safe with a poisonous snake with a small mouth? You were concerned that no one would believe you if you didn't take pictures? You got away from the wretched thing, only to go back to it and have it say "cheese" for you? Oh, my sweet Rita! You terrify me!

I wouldn't care if I was believed or not. I wouldn't have walked in the woods in the first place, and especially not go back for a second look. Having a dog with me wouldn't be much consolation either. The fact is that I am scared of snakes no matter where they are or who or what is with me. I begin shaking involuntarily when I see one. Their looks disgust me, their moves send shivers down my spine. They are totally repulsive.

So, yes, I have to ask. Rita, are you crazy?

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Happy Birthday, Thomas!

Thomas, my first handsome grandson, is celebrating his 8th birthday today. Activities for today include meeting friends and family at Chuck E. Cheese for food and fun. He's already done a lot of celebrating, which makes birthdays all the more special. He enjoyed a 12-hour day with his Dad at Six Flags. He rode his first roller coaster and there was no stopping him after that. He was hooked.Here he is sharing a birthday moment with his Mom and Dad, who love this guy so much!
Robin and I took Thomas shopping a week ago and he chose all Hot Wheel toys. The boy has a need for speed!

Thomas usually asks for cupcakes instead of the traditional homemade ice cream I make for their birthdays. This time he wanted chocolate cupcakes with chocolate icing and chocolate sprinkles. Oh yes, the boy is my grandson!

Robin introduced Thomas to Geodes awhile back and Thomas was fascinated by the crystals inside. He wanted another one for his birthday and quickly hugged Papa when he received it.

Here I am getting Thomas juice. The grandkids know that when I begin slumping that I need some energizing juice. In this instance, it's Thomas juice that is putting the spring back into my step. Nothing like a Thomas hug to make me happy.
Happy birthday, Thomas. You have always been a joy, a lover, a daredevil, and a BOY through and through. And I've always been proud to have you in the family and I love you very much.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

GNO and Birthdays!

The Texas Divas met today to celebrate two birthdays. Donna (July) and Jan (August) were our guests of honor. There was never a dull moment. Donna and Cathy striking the diva pose. Beautiful ladies.

We were delighted to meet and welcome Jan's friend Darlene. We hope our loud laughter hasn't scared her off because she is perfect Texas Diva material. The more the better. Welcome Darlene and we're anxious to get to know you better.
Paula P. and Donna look happy to be there. Lovely smiles, too.
Patty with one of the birthday girls. Donna was a good hostess, making her rounds to each one present.
Patty and me, two friends who are inseparable. I've been so blessed with friends and family.

Donna wearing the Birthday Tiara. Thank you, Paula P., for getting us a "new and improved" crown.
Allison, the baby in our group, gets spoiled by everyone. I'll share her, but no one can have her. She's mine!
What a joy to have Baylee join us today for lunch and shopping. She was the Texas Diva mascot for the day and was happy to receive some sweet gifts from Cathy and Paula P. You ladies are so thoughtful and made her day. She strutted around with her purse and jewelry and felt as big as the rest of us. She was an angel, too.
A group shot at the mall, minus Paula P. who had to leave after lunch. We missed you, Paula! We also missed Deb and Paula F. who had another birthday engagement. We hope to see them in September when we meet for dinner and fun. We can't wait to have a group shot with ALL of us present.
Shopping requires a small break for refreshment and resting the feet. I love this picture! It is beautiful of all four of them!
What a fabulous group of girls who know how to have fun and let our hair down. Especially now with the horrible economy, it's important to be with those who love you and support you. There's nothing like laughter to ease the frown lines. Thank you, ladies, for always being there.