The Texas Divas met today to celebrate two birthdays. Donna (July) and Jan (August) were our guests of honor. There was never a dull moment. 
Donna and Cathy striking the diva pose. Beautiful ladies.

We were delighted to meet and welcome Jan's friend Darlene. We hope our loud laughter hasn't scared her off because she is perfect Texas Diva material. The more the better. Welcome Darlene and we're anxious to get to know you better.

Paula P. and Donna look happy to be there. Lovely smiles, too.

Patty with one of the birthday girls. Donna was a good hostess, making her rounds to each one present.

Patty and me, two friends who are inseparable. I've been so blessed with friends and family.

Donna wearing the Birthday Tiara. Thank you, Paula P., for getting us a "new and improved" crown.

Allison, the baby in our group, gets spoiled by everyone. I'll share her, but no one can have her. She's mine!

What a joy to have
Baylee join us today for lunch and shopping. She was the Texas Diva mascot for the day and was happy to receive some sweet gifts from Cathy and Paula P. You ladies are so thoughtful and made her day. She strutted around with her purse and jewelry and felt as big as the rest of us. She was an angel, too.

A group shot at the mall, minus Paula P. who had to leave after lunch. We missed you, Paula! We also missed Deb and Paula F. who had another birthday engagement. We hope to see them in September when we meet for dinner and fun. We can't wait to have a group shot with ALL of us present.

Shopping requires a small break for refreshment and resting the feet. I love this picture! It is beautiful of all four of them!

What a fabulous group of girls who know how to have fun and let our hair down. Especially now with the horrible economy, it's important to be with those who love you and support you. There's nothing like laughter to ease the frown lines. Thank you, ladies, for always being there.
Nice recap of the day!
Thank you ladies for all the fabulous gifts. You are all so generous. Also, it was great to add Darlene to our group. Baylee was such a sweet girl and fit in so well. I had such a good time! Love you all!
Oh, by the way, on my way home I heard the song See You In September on my satallite radio (60's station). See you all then:)
Fabulous pictures. Always enjoy the updates on your blog. I don't know how to update my name to show as Jan T so everyone will know it is Tucker's comments since you have another Jan in your Texas Diva group. If you can tell me step by step, let me know!
I had a wonderful time as usual - it was so nice to welcome Darlene into the fold and Miss Baylee just made it extra special - Sorry I had to leave before shopping but I had to get to the nail salon as I had jammed one of my nails earlier that morning and broke it in half but the good folks there fixed me up and it doesn't hurt at all!! And to quote Donna "see ya in September"!! Everyone stay safe and happy until then - don't know what I'd do without you gals in my life!! Patty, you be good on your cruise this month - I think it must not be legal to take 2 cruises a year - let's really think about trying to do a Diva cruise sometime in the next 18 months - if we start saving now, we may be able to do it!! If someone will give me the information needed, I will be happy to start checking into things to see what kind of deals they may be offering in the future!! Paula P
Another great day with the Diva's. Fortunately, I'm no longer the newest member. Donnie Darlene made her debut and could not be a better fit for this crazy group of women. Eight women and 1 adorable 4 (almost 5 yr old) shopping should have been video taped.I'm sure security was on high alert. Sorry Paula missed the managed chaos. Women on a mission to take inventory of every store in NE Mall. Sounds like a good reality show.
As our 56 yr old, hot babe Donna Mae sang to me in the Nordstrom's parking garage, "See you in September".
mom, you forgot to mention that Baylee also got a stuffed puppy and hair prettys from Donna. She called her purse her "fashion bag". She doesn't leave home without it.
OK Girls, this is enough!!! If I don't get into one of these GNO pictures soon.... I'll...I'll.. I'll just have to wait until October!! The worst part is not being there when Baylee was!
Happy Birthday Donna, and I will give you a BIG BIRTHDAY KISS in October....
Cheryl, move back so we can have you at our gatherings! What a great group of ladies. Hopefully we'll have the entire group of divas there in September. We'll have another gathering in October when Cheryl is back where she belongs. I'll be waiting for the birthday kiss:)
oops, forgot to always looks like a lot of fun I'd love to join. Maybe someday when I'm in town. :( In the meantime, have fun bringing down the house!
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