The grand finale in my "Cloud 9" of grandchildren is a handsome 2-year-old today! Callan not only has beautiful blue eyes and blond curly hair, but he also has a sweet temperament. Yes, we are mighty proud of this boy!

Our big 2-year-old is getting an extensive vocabulary. He speaks both English and Spanish. Of course I love to hear him say Memaw.

Is this adorable or what? Look at those luscious lips. You just want to scoop him up and have him for dinner.

He's changed a lot since this picture with his Dad appeared on the cover of a parents magazine. They grow up too fast. We need to pause and drink it all in while we can.
Happy birthday, my sweet boy. I'll be calling and you might not understand the birthday song, but I'll understand Memaw coming out of your sweet mouth. I love you bunches!
TWO YEARS OLD, and I haven't even met him yet. I have got to get there before those lips and cheeks are taken in by MeMaw and nothing left for me!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET CALLAN. I love you over and over everytime I see your picture.
Thank you, Memaw! I love the photos you posted. Sorry we missed any birthday calls--we were in NC and I forgot my charger. He had a great day all about him. Love that stinker!
Happy Birthday C-bear! Time has flown by! love that boy!
I know he had a wonderful birthday! Such a cute boy!!! Wish I could have seen him while in NC. Love you!
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