Sixteen years ago today God led two heart-broken women to the same grief seminar, searching for the same support and understanding. It resulted in a lasting friendship. God is soooooo good! Thank you, Cheryl, for 16 years of support and understanding. You are priceless.
I'm so glad you two found each other, too! Who would be my Mom II if you didn't? Love you both!
The Lord works in mysterious ways! I know you will be best buds forever. I would love to meet Cheryl next time she is in town and still think a sleepover with pizza, pajamas and card/board games sounds wonderful. Laughs and stories are included, at no cost, of course! LOL
Thank you BB, you never forget. I just can't imagine what would have happened to me if it wouldn't have been for that day. I can relive it so clearly and know over and over again what a miracle it was.
I was ALSO so honored to be choosen as Mom II, walking down that isle was the biggest thrill *of course my first time was pretty great too!
I am anxiously waiting to meet you also Jan. Heard so many great things about you. We would all have such a good time.
Love you BB
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