Guess who is 5 years old today? It's our beautiful Baylee Girl! She's been counting the days until her birthday. A whole new world is opening up to her as she turns 5. She will be attending Wee School and Zoo School. Our Baylee loves animals and has such a tender, gentle nature about her. She has yet to meet an animal who hasn't captured her heart.

She's a very important member of her family. She's a middle child like her Mom and Memaw. Jude aka Indiana Jones is the oldest and Sophia is the baby sister. Baylee has a cozy center seat.

She looks pretty cozy in this picture with Jude and Sophia. What a beautiful threesome!

Baylee has developed a very unique sense of humor. She comes out with the funniest comments. However, she comes by it naturally since her whole family is witty.

I don't know when this little angel grew up to become 5 years old. I'm sure we witnessed the subtle changes along the way, but still have a feeling that time rushed on without me. Wasn't she a doll? Isn't she still a doll?
Happy birthday, Baylee Girl! Your Memaw loves you very much!
happy birthday my sweet little middle child. You are loved by so many.
That includes Aunt Donna (fellow animal lover!!!!). You are so special sweet girl! I enjoyed your visit so much and hope you will come back. All the animals need some Baylee love.
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y B A Y L E E !!!!!!!
5 Years old!!!!! I can't believe it. You are so special and in every sense of the word....a little doll.
I love you and hope to see you soon......
Hi there Baylee - hope your birthday was fun for you. Hope to see you soon!!!!!!
Love ya ~ Rita
Happy Birthday, Baylee Girl! Hope your Cheesecake Factory celebration was fun! Love you!
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