We all understand the bittersweet feelings we experience when a dear one moves away. I was a puddle of tears as I waved goodbye to Cheryl when she moved to another state. I suffered the anguish of separation when Angela and her family followed a new job. And Saturday night we attended a farewell/birthday party for my dear friend, Sharon. The
sweet comes from knowing fresh opportunities await them in their new location. The
bitter is the pain deep inside that follows a farewell hug, and the vast stretch of highway between you. But thanks to the electronic world we live in, separation doesn't have to be so painful.

I couldn't wait to pull into the driveway, cut the engine, and find the friendly faces of Sharon and Rachael, her daughter. Rachael is best friends with my Angela and this is how Sharon and I met. I've only been honored to have one other instant friendship form at the first hello. Needless to say, Sharon and I hit it off just as our daughters had. Plans for a mother/daughter retreat are in the near future.

Birthday cakes for Sharon and Rachael's husband, Greg. The back deck was loaded with tables full of food. Sharon's son tended the grill and groups were scattered all over the yard, having fun.

My hopes and prayers for a happy life go with Sharon and Ron. They will be missed by so many, but close to each heart. Some friendships are too big, too endearing, to let miles come between them. Such is the case with Sharon and me. Not only will we be sending e-mails through cyber space, but we will make a point to cross those miles and hug hello.
God bless you, Sharon, for the sunshine you have brought into my life. I'll miss your smiling face, but I know I will continue to bask in the glow of our friendship. Keep those e-mails coming. I love you, friend.
Oh, I wish I could have been there! I LOVE being in the company of Mama Sharon and Rach--and to have my mamacita there too, well, could it be any better? We wish you the best, Sharon! Love you all!
The Road is NEVER long between friends. Hopefully Sharon is on Facebook too, to enjoy not only your friendship, but other FRIENDS as well. From reading your blog, Sharon will make more friends wherever she moves. Take care.
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