I love Ron for all he has done to help me with the business. He can manufacture perfect parts. Give him a blueprint and he is on it. His Grandfather called him a genius. I'm inclined to agree. I thank him for sharing the daily grinds and struggles with me. Did I say he was loyal?
I love Ron for the three oldest grandchildren he has given to me. They are beautiful, sweet, and loving and he set the standard for the six that followed. I love him for being an active and involved father, and a loving uncle to his nieces and nephews. I love Ron because he is Ron, and he was the first one to ever call me Mom and I love being his Mom.

Happy birthday, Ron. When I return from my cruise, I will cook your favorite foods, and celebrate with you the 40 years I have been blessed to have you. Just know that my love and thoughts will be with you on your big day. I love you dearly.