Saturday, February 14, 2009

Look at The Jude

Just one month and one day before his 7th birthday, Jude finally has lost his first tooth. It is not a true snaggle tooth since the new one is right behind it. Some cute quotes from Jude:
"I gotta call Ashton and Thomas! We are the lost tooth boys!"
"After all these years, I finally lost my tooth!"
"I'll be the first boy on the lost tooth chart at school."

He is over the moon!

Also here is Bay's new bunny - new as in Christmas. I've been meaning to share it with you all. The name of the bunny changes day to day. It is sometimes floppy, thumper, darth vader, and taco meat. Jude even holds it - so brave.

And we can't forget our little Sophia. The picture was taken at a birthday party. That would be frosting on her cute little face.


Peggy said...

Jude was so excited when he called us tonight to tell us about the missing tooth. He is too funny and so cute with the little window in his mouth now.

And the beautiful girls - Baylee with her animal and Sophia with her sweets. She asks me now for her "prize" as the other two do.

Thank you, Randee, for guest blogging for me. Maybe you can keep my small sprinkling of readers entertained while I cruise for a week???

Anonymous said...

Congrats Jude!! You are growing up fast! I can't believe you finally lost your tooth! How much money did the tooth fairy send you??

Baylee, I didn't know you had a bunny? It's REALLY cute!

Sophia is so cute! She's gotten so big!

Anonymous said...

Cute Cute the pictures. They are getting so big. After the tooth fairy, Jude is going to find out just how much his mouth is worth!

I finally got to see the Bunny. Does it stay in Baylee's room?

There are no words for Sophia, just want to kiss her..

angela | the painted house said...

Hooray, Jude! Ashton will be thrilled to learn that you've joined the Lost Tooth Boys!!!!

Taco Meat? Really? Poor BunBun!

That's my girl Sophia! Loving the cupcakes.

Jan Tucker said...

Hey Jude, my Mother would have me bite into a corn-on-the-cob to see the kernel that would be left out of a big bite!
Hey Baylee, love your bunny. I named my solid white bunny 'Flopsy' because she had one ear that wouldn't stand up and laid down all the time!
Sophie, I know it's icing, but you look like the 'Got Milk?' commercial!

Anonymous said...

Losing a tooth is big time!!! I remember it was an exciting time for me! Congrats Jude.

Love the bunny!!! Baylee looks like she is in love!

Sophia is a cutie!!!!!