Jude's school had a special morning for Dads and Granddads to enjoy donuts with their kids. I'll always remember Jude's excitement when he called to extend the invitation. I answered the phone and he told me he needed to speak to Papa, but he was anxious for me to know what was happening, too.

"Our school is having Donut Day for fathers and grandfathers, and it will be the best day of my life!"

How could Papa Robin turn down such an invitation? He couldn't. He set the alarm for 5:30am so he could arrive at the school on time.

The students decorated their tables. There were silhouette busts of men decked out in ties, and bow ties on the tablecloth. And there was coffee, orange juice and donuts to feed a small army, which is what arrived. Lots of happy kids showing off their dads and papas.

Robin came home and told me all about the event. He said he was so glad he went. I'm glad he was there, too, and thank him for helping to make Jude's day.
That was really sweet of Jude to include Papa Robin. I'd say they both look proud to be there together (as does Daddy Brian).
I'm glad Brian and Robin were there to make Jude's day perfect. He's such a sweet little guy whether he eats donuts or not! Who took the picture? I can't believe you stayed home!
Jan, it was a special day for dads and granddads so I stayed home. I did attend the women's luncheon, and Robin stayed home.
Jude is such a sweet boy. He looks like he's having a great time. That's so sweet of him to say, "it'll be the best day of my life!" I'm glad Robin got to go since it obviously meant a lot to Jude.
What a special day for all of them. I see a lot of proud men there!!! Jude looks so happy to have these men in his life..
I didn't even get to come! It was men only. Jude had a great time, Thanks papa.
Events like this mean so very much to children at that or any age - that is something THEY will never forget and neither will Brian or Robin - What a great day for 3 great guys!! Paula
Oh, I thought I commented already...I'm losing my mind!
Anyway, I know Jude was big time proud to show off his men. I'm glad that Robin was able to go--what a good papa!
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