After shopping we relaxed over dinner and conversation. We enjoyed our girl time. I love these birthday excursions with the grandchildren since we get a lot of one-on-one time together. Candice was a real joy tonight. Love my girl!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Birthday Fun with Candice
Candice and I celebrated her 19th birthday tonight with shopping and dinner. We had a fabulous time, although my camera had focusing issues and refused to capture the moment clearly.
I dropped the mint chocolate chip ice cream she requested that I make, posed for pictures, then took off for the mall. Our first visit was a cosmetic shop where Candice chose some makeup and nail polish.
This cute dress was purchased, along with a few other things that Candice treated herself to.
She insisted that Memaw have her picture taken with this trendy little top from a strictly teen store. Maybe I could get away with wearing it. On a dark night. Alone.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Texas Divas' March Lunch
We had a great showing at our Diva lunch today. The more the merrier, right?
These lovely ladies are Trish, Paula and Cathy.
A big Texas Diva welcome to Jeanne, between me and Deborah. She tried us out today and we're hoping she liked what she saw. Actually, we made her one of us before she even met with us. That's Texas Diva hospitality.
Darlene and Jan missed our last lunch and we were happy to have their smiling faces back among us.
My beautiful Sissy and Patty. Patty may kill me for posting a picture of her eyes half closed but she looks better than I do. My face is gray and looks like another heart attack on the horizon. Maybe it's the lighting. Or maybe I don't know how to apply make up. Or maybe I'm a Doomsday-ist.
One picture was blurred and I left it out. It had my beautiful daughter in it and I apologize to her for being blind as a bat and not catching it.She looked adorable as usual and I know all of you will take my word for it.
Fun times! Every time!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Happy 19th Birthday, Candice!
This beauty is 19 today. That pretty much dates me too since she's my oldest grandchild. But age aside, my Candy Girl has been a blessing to my life. I still remember the first time I held her and experienced the awe and wonder of being a grandmother. Now, that darling pink bundle has morphed into a beautiful young woman who has so much on the ball.
Candice is now a college student and can boast some impressive grades. That brain is going to take her places and I'm so proud of her accomplishments. You go, girl! Now, let's get this celebration going and have some fun. Happy birthday, with all my love.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Soaking up the Rays
Usually these two guys aren't this chummy, but they are sharing a patch of warm sunlight on the floor of the dining room. I've seen them in there separately but never together this close. Weasil, the gray boy, has attitude. He's moody and grumpy, and wants it all on his terms. Parker, our orange boy, has a history of being a cuddle bug with other cats in the house, but he's learned that Weasil is no social butterfly.
It took awhile, but Weasil finally likes me. He will warm my side during the night, rest his head on my arm, and welcome any rubs I might give as long as they don't exceed the number he wants. If they do, I get bit. He loves Robin as much as Weasil is capable of loving anyone or anything. But Robin can pull a nasty growl from him, too, by just being there. He merely tolerates Parker. Sometimes. He will sneak up to sniff Parker's butt, then hiss when Parker turns to investigate. When Parker returns the favor and sniffs Weasil's butt, Weasil will hiss again. It's not easy to please the Weasil.
Now, Parker is loving and will let me pet him as long as I want. He snuggles in my lap or stretches along my legs and falls asleep. He likes his people. He doesn't bite the hand that feeds him. But even though Parker is docile and sweet, he's getting fed up with Weasil's attitude. He's beginning to chase and taunt Weasil. Maybe Parker just wants a playmate. Robin thinks he's being mean. I have to remind Robin often that they are cats and are doing what cats do. They aren't children to be reasoned with even though they are our boys.
So considering the varied personalities of these two guys, I was surprised to see them peacefully sharing a bit of sunshine. George Clone-y, the newcomer and our black boy, has not been fully accepted by the other two and was not prepared to share the limelight for this picture. He'll adjust very well soon enough, but he will never be a favorite of Weasil's. It's just not in the gray boy's nature.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
A Weekend Getaway
Every once in awhile you just have to pack a bag, grab a friend, and get out of Dodge. Friends understand the need for the occasional getaway. After all, how often do women get a day off? I mean, really get a day off? No cooking, no cleaning, no washing, no going to work. Even if the house is clean and the laundry is done, we have to eat. So, yes, a girls getaway is a must. A couple of days with hotel maids, waiters and waitresses is good for the soul.
Patty and I headed to East Texas with our eyes on the pottery store in Marshall. It wasn't what we expected. I'd heard a lot about it and envisioned aisle upon aisle stacked with every kind of pottery from place settings to home decor to garden paradise. It wasn't that extensive but we had a wonderful lunch in Marshall and learned of another pottery and home decor store in Longview. We headed there and struck gold. We browsed for a long time and found many pretty things.
Shopping works up an appetite and we had dinner at a delightful local Mexican restaurant before heading to the hotel for the night.
We found the portion we wanted on the senior menu. I told the waiter we were ordering from it and to please ask us for ID. He did as requested and laid it on thick about how he would have to confirm our age before putting the order through. We tipped him well.
Back at the hotel, I showered and crawled into my bed and could not keep my eyes open. And I didn't have to. There was no kitchen to clean.
Next getaway: Antiques. Somehow that fits.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
8-Year-Old Cousins
Get two 8-year-old cousins together and they can entertain themselves very well. I was only needed when they were hungry, thirsty, or needed chocolate chip ice cream. Oh, I was asked to tell them a bedtime story, which I did, using talking bionicles that made me look cool.
This bare-chested duo are sporting tattoos that they had Papa put on them.
They spent much of their time building with Legos and created this castle from a big tub of blocks we keep for the grandchildren.
They wanted a bionicle face on their pancakes instead of the usual funny one. This is my feeble attempt. Thomas gave me a mask to go by, but my efforts didn't produce a match.

From the park, we went to get lunch and cherry limeades, which were refreshing after all the running, jumping and spinning they did. They said they wished cousin Ashton could have joined them for the sleepover. I do too! It wasn't an exciting trip to Disney World for Spring Break, but Thomas and Jude were content to spend this time together.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Happy 8th Birthday, Jude!
Jude is celebrating his 8th birthday today! Papa and I had a wonderful time with him yesterday when we did the traditional birthday lunch and shopping trip.
Jude was able to double the gift experience since birthday money had been coming in. He kept his purchases separate from mine and handled the transaction like a pro.
We spent the most time on the Lego aisle. He loves them and has a huge collection.
We enjoyed Mexican food before our shopping spree. Jude chose the restaurant.
Memaw loves the Jude Juice. It energizes her and fills her up.
Jude is one of the sweetest boys I know. He is so appreciative of everything that is done for him. He thanked us over and over for the lunch and gifts. A few days ago I gave him a choice of ice cream he wanted me to make. He chose one but told me he knew anything I made would be delicious. He tells me I am the best Memaw ever and that I'm beautiful. You don't have to ask me why I love him so! He's tender-hearted, he's smart, he's funny, and he is super special. Happy birthday to my Jude!
Friday, March 05, 2010
Jude's A Winner!
Jude placed really well at the speech meet sponsored by the Association of Christain Schools International. He recited Bible verses in the category of Bible Memorization for his grade level. An awards ceremony was held this afternoon to recognize the winners. Jude received a blue ribbon for "superior" in his category and a silver medal. He was so excited about both tokens of a job well done.
There was never any doubt in our minds that he would knock their socks off. He has confidence that usually takes years to build, and a love and acceptance of others. He's just so approachable and friendly. He stood on that stage, looked the judges in the eyes, and recited his verses. His Mom was also a good coach in preparing him for his stage appearance.
But hey, this kid was on the cover of Fort Worth Child magazine. Of course he won awards today. We're all so proud of him.
Jude is the Dude!
Fun with Pancakes
There's a standard answer when I ask the younger grandchildren what they want for breakfast: Funny Face Pancakes. The two older ones have matured beyond the funny face stuff and opt for eggs and hash browns.
Sophia told me she wanted a mad face. My limited skill produced a face that was more sad than mad. She was still pleased, but Baylee asked where the angry eyebrows were. Why didn't I think of that?
Baylee's pancake has the upturned smile. By the time I got to mine, I just poured batter and didn't care if there was a face or not.
We took a long walk, watched some TV, and enjoyed corn dogs for lunch. The highlight of the day was the return of the two ducks to our pool. The girls were thrilled to see that sight.
We had a great time and they managed to melt my heart again.
Thursday, March 04, 2010
Tea Party Sleepover
Baylee and Sophia had a sleepover with us tonight since Jude has to be at his Speech Meet so early in the morning and it will last most of the day. They wanted to know if we were going to have a tea party. Well, of course, when the girls are here we are supposed to do girlie things. After a dinner of lasagna the three of us got in the kitchen and whipped up some blueberry muffins. I pulled out the tea set, hats and tiaras, and polished all our nails while the muffins baked. Pink sparkly nails are a must at tea parties.
We are enjoying our tea as the muffins cool.
The girls think it is so funny to include Papa in our tea parties and he's always a good sport. He can handle that little teacup as well as we do. The girls enjoy pouring and serving us.

What's a party without a clown? Baylee, as usual, had the quote of the day: "Papa, you're going to squeeze your brain."
What's a party without a clown? Baylee, as usual, had the quote of the day: "Papa, you're going to squeeze your brain."
There was a little drama at bedtime when Sophia exclaimed that her pajama top and bottoms didn't match. It took a little convincing for her to agree to be seen in them. Girls will be girls. More fun tomorrow.
Break a leg, Jude, at the Speech Meet!
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