Robin and I had a wonderful time with Candice today. We took her to lunch and did a lot of catching up and laughing. She decided to forgo the shopping trip and take the money and run. With college on the horizon, the money will be helpful. She graduates in June and has been accepted at the University of North Texas. I know she will do a great job.

Camryn made this birthday sign for Candice. It was proudly displayed in her yard. This 18th year will hold many experiences and challenges for our girl.

We were leaving the restaurant when Robin captured this picture. Candice was smart enough to apply lip gloss. Memaw wasn't. This may be the last picture I have taken with her. She makes me look old. Robin added to it by reminding me often that he can't believe I have a granddaughter who is 18, and that his grandchildren are soooooooo much younger. Candice told him she belonged to him, too, and I agreed that when he married me, he took my baggage. Not that Candice is baggage, mind you.
Thank you, Candy Girl, for a lovely time with you. We love you so much.
I like that picture of you two!
Glad y'all had a good time! I can't believe she's 18 either. I remember when she was just a little toddler.
I love the picture too. Happy birthday, Candice. I think it was so sweet that Camryn made you your birthday sign.
By the way, you share the same birthday as my great-great niece, Makenzie!
Well, I see where Candice got her good looks! Both of you look so pretty in that picture!
Glad you got to enjoy your oldest grandchild. It is hard to believe she is 18, but then again, I've had some birthdays right along with her.
Haha Memaw u look pretty. I was in economics and i was looking at this and i showed my teacher the picture and i said look thats my grandma! [Hes a grandpa] and he goes well shes pretty cute! :)
I had a lot of fun on our date. We stuffed our faces! love you, thanks again
Candice, I love your Economics teacher.
Cute photo of you two! Glad you all had fun. Can't believe she will be college bound soon. Candice, if you're reading: your gift is coming soon!
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