Candice, MY granddaughter, was inducted into the National Honor Society last week. What an honor! And what a bright, intelligent young lady who has faithfully applied herself to her studies. I am so stinking proud of her!
There are several factors involved to be considered an inductee. Candice's qualifications included a GPA of 4.4 (wow), her positions of leadership and community service, awards she has received, and the recommendation from four of her teachers. She is currently serving as president of her junior class. Bravo! Kudos! Way to go!
It reminded me of Angela's induction service and the immense pride I felt as her name was announced. Brains (and beauty) must run in this family. I have tangible proof!
why thank you but im a little embaressed o my gpa...but its going up! love you!
Way to go Candice!! Angela was telling me how you're a prosecutor in the teen court. I'm not sure how all that works but that's amazing! Keep it up and maybe you'll get a scholarship to law school....if that's indeed what you want. But I get the feeling you can be WHATEVER you want!
How do get a gpa higher than 4.0?
Welcome to the club, Candice. :)
Congratulations! What an accomplishment.....to be grouped with Aunt Angela (the serious one:) Really, that is so great! Stay focused on your education. We are all very proud of you.
well i take some more advanced classes which gives me the opportunity to raise my gpa with more weight than regular classes.
p.s. my goal is to be as accomplished as- "the serious one"
lol love you guys
congrats bc.
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