Saturday, April 05, 2008

A day at the circus

Insert your own sound effect here

Tickets - 36.00

parking - 10.00

Elephant rides - 20.00

pony rides - 6.00

jump house for 3 minutes - 6.00

toy for Jude - 10.00

toy for Baylee - 15.00

pop corn - 2.50

dinner afterwards - 47.00

trip to the circus with my daughter and 3 lovely grand children: A LOT OF MONEY!

And MasterCard was the proud sponsor of NOTHING - gotta bring your cash.
By - Randee
Thanks for helping me with the kids mom! And for thinking far enough ahead to bring a wad of cash - I WILL pay you back!


Peggy said...

What a wonderful surprise! I was anxious to see these pictures. You did a great job, Dee,and you owe me nothing. By not posting MY bathroom picture that DIDN'T just get the wall, is payment enough.

Peggy said...

On second thought, pay my taxes and we will call it even.

angela | the painted house said...

How fun! I can't believe how many people they can pack on top of an elephant! I bet the kids LOVED all that. Big spenders!

angela | the painted house said...


Anonymous said...

For the elephant ride was it $20 per kid?? And it was $6 for 3 minutes of jumping? Geez! But I bet Baylee loved all the animals!

Maybe I should join the circus and rack up some money.

Peggy said...

The elephant ride was $10 per kid and Jude and Baylee both got to ride the beast. The bouncy house was $6 to jump until the circus began, but Jude skipped out of there very early, hence the 3 minutes.

We were so proud of Jude for wanting to ride the elephant since he has animal issues.

Anonymous said...

Gee Whiz Jude, I don't even have animal "issues" but I sure wouldn't have goten on that elephant! Did Baylee tie a string around the elephants neck and try and bring it home????

Yeah, it's a lot of money, but that's what life is all about, having the moment and creating the memories.....Wish I could have been there.

Anonymous said...

Jude, so funny. He's scared of a 10 pound cat but he'll ride an elephant.

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you Jude!!!!!!

Guess what.....I have a new puppy! Baylee want to come back to visit?

Glad you all had a good time.