Can you stand any more cuteness? This is how Parks spends Happy Hour with us when we have our 5:00pm coffee. Tonight he moved to the chair just so he could remain in the same room with me. I know it's me because he still has a fear of Robin, unless he's holding the food can. And he sleeps at or on Robin's feet, but I think that is to irritate Robin. Parks is trained well. Thank you, Angela.
Those pictures really do show how "porked out" he is! He's big! But very cute!
Just in case anybody wanted to know....today I took my Rowdy cat to the vet because he had "very impacted anal glands". NICE. It's been a disgusting house the last 3 days. I'll spare you all the details. At first we thought he was mad at us, but then again he's always mad about something, but last night I realized it was physical. So he's quite unhappy right now and freaked out and now he's got diahhrea. EVEN BETTER.
AGAIN, does ANYONE want a loving cat???? (ok, loving is a stretch.)
My friend Patty's dog has the impacted anal glands. The vet can teach you how to clean them yourself, if you're interested. Patty wasn't.
My housekeeper found two "accidents" in the dining room this week and I suspect the cat(s) were acting out their resentment at our being gone four days. We left them TWO litter boxes.
Yes the cuteness continues and he is fat. I love fat cats.
No thank you. I'm not interested. That's about the grossest thing I can imagine doing. YUCK!
I wonder which cat left you the "accidents".
Besides being not interested I'd run up an expensive ER bill afterwards.
Oliver? Is your spirit residing in your first home?
I love that cat. I can't wait until he gets use to me. Will that ever happen with my 3 shadows?
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