Friday, February 16, 2007

Tainted Peter Pan

When the story broke about Peter Pan possibly containing salmonela we quickly checked our brand new economy-sized jar of crunchy peanut butter. Sure enough, the numbers on the lid began with 2111. It's now sitting on the counter to be sent for a refund or trashed all together.

The interesting part is that it had been opened by us once, and smeared on my mother's homemade wheat bread with some honey. We suffered no adverse effects from it. Either the salmonela is hiding lower in the jar, is not present at all, or the healthy flaxseed, cracked wheat and wheat germ in my mother's bread counteracted the dangerous properties of salmonela. Good vs. evil.

I prefer the last explanation. I like to think that all the hard work and good ingredients that go into the making of all those loaves of bread that keeps 30+ kids coming back for more, has power over a simple thing like salmonela. But to be on the safe side, we will not eat any more of it. My reasoning for that is that sometimes Robin eats peanut butter sandwiches on regular, white, store-bought bread. I just can't imagine! The empty calories of white bread could never ward off the dangers of salmonela, so we aren't taking any chances.


Anonymous said...

So you like crunchy peanut butter?

Are you particular which brand? I don't know one brand from another so I just pick up whatever stikes my fancy. I bought Skippy this week. Creamy. James is the eater of the peanut butter in our family.

Glad you are not going to eat any more of the tainted P.B. I'd go get my money back. After all, you got the big one.

Peggy said...

I love crunchy and always buy Peter Pan. You've got to try it and honey on Mother's bread. It's to die for!

angela | the painted house said...

May I suggest Smucker's sugar and no trans fat. And, it tastes so good! If you need the sugar, Skippy makes a natural with no trans fat. My two cents' worth.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Angela, I like the natural pb. so good and no preservatives.

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess they told us.

Love you all!