Friday, February 16, 2007

"I told You So!"

In a previous post, under "The Joys of Marriage" I reflected on the thermostat wars in my home between Robin and me. To refresh your memory, he is always cold but in summer attire, and I'm dressed for winter and burning up. We sneak around and lower/raise the thermostat until the other complains. I was always responsible for the electric bill so I tried to use common sense and monitor the thermostat.

Well, times have changed. The mortgage is now paid in full and I gladly handed the electric bill to Robin to pay. His first payment was last month, well over $600. I made up my mind that I'd quit being a pain in the neck about it since I no longer had to pay the bill. I gave Robin full control over the thermostat. The result: The bill came in yesterday at over $800! He was shocked. I don't know why he was shocked. But I do know why it was higher. The "thermostat monitor" had left her post.

I'm willing to bet that Robin will be more conscious now when he dresses or nears the switch that sends enough warmth in our home that we could become nudists and feel comfortable with it. I'm thinking that this new pain in his wallet will wake him up.

Last week he was walking around the house in a summer T shirt and telling me he has felt so cold all day long. In the meantime, I'm standing there peeling off layers because the heat is so high in the house. I finally told him, "I know you won't believe this, but I actually saw people dressed for winter today because of this weather." You're kidding.

Oh well, at least I don't have to foot the bill any more.


angela | the painted house said...

I can't believe that! I do believe I'd rather spend some of that $800 bill on new warm, winter clothes.

Anonymous said...

don't count of the message being recieved. It may take a few months for that crow is served for dinner.

Anonymous said...

I agree with all of you. Let him pay the bill, buy more cloths with that money and most important....MESSAGE NOT RECEIVED!!!!!