Friday, August 04, 2006

The Joys of Marriage, IX

Appetites: I'm sure you've heard of those odd individuals who 'eat to live'. Then there's the rest of us who 'live to eat'. Robin fits in the first category and I fit in the second. He will actually shove a plate of food aside and tell me he's full. I can't comprehend that. I'm full too, but my taste buds are still active. What does "full" have to do with anything?

I've seen Robin go all day without food. He starts feeling irritable and lightheaded and finally tells me he hasn't eaten and maybe he just needs to eat something. You think? So, he nibbles on something and announces that he feels better already. Imagine that.

I have a mantra that I repeat often. "No food tastes as good as a size 6 feels." On very rare occasions I honestly believe it. Usually, however, I listen to my taste buds and they are telling me it's a stupid phrase. So I'm always at war with my taste buds. Robin is tall and thin and can eat what he wants. Sometimes he will indugle in several bowls of ice cream or empty the M&M candy jar and still not gain an ounce. I balloon up just looking at that stuff.

Of course, I don't just look. I'm hooked on peanut M&Ms and have Robin hooked as well. He can eat all of that and conceal it well on his tall frame. I'm short and - well - short, and 5 M&Ms tip the scales. Pizza is another indulgence of mine. Robin said he's never eaten so much pizza in his life since he married me. He'd rather have seafood, which I won't touch.

Robin has moments when he will request that I make a certain meal or dessert. He even claims he married me for my fried potatoes and eggs. But the truth is, he can go indefinitely without thinking about food. I've asked him how, is there a secret he can share with me, and he just says he doesn't let food rule his life. I can down a burger and fries at lunch and be thinking about what I'll have for dinner.

A big weakness of mine is eating my Mother's cooking. I look at it this way, I don't get to enjoy her meals that often so why not indulge while I can? So I fill my plate, add one of her big homemade rolls, and sample all the pies for dessert. The Thin Man just looks at me and says, "can you say oink?".


angela | the painted house said...

Funny, while I was reading this I was munching on a bag of Reese's peanut candies (just like peanut M&Ms, just with PB). I found that I couldn't stop putting my hand in the mother, like daughter!

Anonymous said...

Whats with us women? I am sitting here holding my finger on the corner of my eye, after putting drops in....reading this.....with a chocolate covered mint patty in my left hand......excuse me while I open another one..... :)