This Saturday, on the 19th, will be 13 years since I walked into grief recovery and met Cheryl Derowski. It literally changed my life! A friendship began almost immediately as we shared our loss and helped each other move beyond the pain. It's fitting that my first copy of Simon Says, Book One, arrived just two days before the 13th anniversary of our friendship.
Cheryl's mother was my writing critic and she read each chapter as I wrote it. She encouraged me to have the book published. She even checked into ways we could accomplish that. I soon forgot about it ever happening until early this year when Cheryl offered to help make my dream come true. She financed my blood, sweat, and tears and made this day possible for me. I thank her so much for that, but this post isn't so much about the book as it is a friendship that has meant everything to me.
I won't take the time to list all the things we have in common. However, it was those very things that were revealed in grief recovery that drew us together. It helped, too, that we were struggling with the same loss and the same feelings. It took awhile, but soon the crying together turned into laughter and a relationship that trusts completely. Even though she is now in Florida, the phone and Yahoo Messenger keep us in daily contact.
These 13 years hold so many special occasions for us - birthdays, Christmases, trips together, venting together, sharing all the ups and downs of life. But the highlight of our year is our annual week together in a condo. We loved Bandera, Texas, so much that we have been there three times. That's our refuge, our week to catch up and talk and laugh and nap and pig out and play 200+ games of Yahtzee. Even though we have visited other places, Bandera seems to fit our "pajama days" lifestyle with its secluded setting in the Texas Hill Country. We get groceries shortly after we arrive, then it's fun , lazy days of no makeup and living in pajamas. Since we see each other no other time in the year we don't need a busy schedule to keep us happy. Quite the contrary. We love being away from work and household chores and are content being lazy. It might sound like a bore to most people, but it is our slice of heaven.
So, Cheryl, I salute you for being such a wonderful friend these past 13 years. I know I can go to you with anything and you will listen with interest and understanding. Thank you for being a friend when I needed one the most. You are utterly remarkable. Thirteen years and counting!
I just got up and the first thing I wanted to do was look at your blog and see "the author and her book", but to my surprise my BB (bestest buddie) brought happy tears to my eyes again. I could add my feelings for the 13 years but it would be an exact duplicate of what you said.....I will talk to you later BB on the pager, for right now I am going to enjoy these tears......
By the way, once again, HAVE YOU READ ANY GOOD BOOKS LATELY????
Love BB
I just got up and the first thing I wanted to do was look at your blog and see "the author and her book", but to my surprise my BB (bestest buddie) brought happy tears to my eyes again. I could add my feelings for the 13 years but it would be an exact duplicate of what you said.....I will talk to you later BB on the pager, for right now I am going to enjoy these tears......
By the way, once again, HAVE YOU READ ANY GOOD BOOKS LATELY????
Love BB
I guess my hand was shaking when I hit the enter button and now my comment appeared twice! Oh well, it deserves repeating......
What would I do without my Mom II, Cheryl??? I am so glad that you found each other. Wouldn't it be wonderful if everyone could have a friend like you found in each other?
Thanks, Cheryl, for helping to make the book possible. We are all waiting to hold it in our hands!
Happy anniversary you two! You are a great example of soul mates. I have never seen such a perfect match.
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