I ordered a few boxes of books and they arrived today. They are selling to local friends for $18, which includes my shipping cost to have them shipped to me. If you want a copy, either call or e-mail me and I will make sure you get it. If you are out of my area, it will be better to order from the publisher and pay one shipping cost. You may order your copy at www.simonsays1and2.com.
wow it looks great, good job memaw and angela!
9-2-06 Peggy, LOVED your book. Can't wait to find out what else Simon could possibly do. The only thing I thought of before it happened, was the vasectomy! What a selfish a deceitful man. I literally loved Ellis and wish I would have had a doting Aunt like Agnes. Your story was wonderful and a lot of my friends at work at waiting to read it. They won't have to wait long. I just started it LAST Saturday and FINISHED it last night! Don't think I have ever read another one that fast. I really enjoyed it and I am NOT just saying that because I am your friend! That is the truth but don't go getting your head too big for all the compliments you will get! Ha ha
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