Sunday, January 03, 2010

Most Details are Unnecessary

As I approach a milestone birthday I would like to ask friends and family to alert me of any forgetfulness, repeating myself, or going into too much detail (I may regret this). I've been around too many people lately who go into needless detail that adds nothing to the conversation or subject matter.

For example:

"My neighbor, Robert, oh what's his last name?" (A big pause here.) "Oh, I can't think of his last name." (Another pause before it's dismissed and the story continues.)

The truth is, all I need to know is that you are going to tell me something about your neighbor. You could tell me his last name, even pitch in his middle name, Social Security number, height, weight, and blood type, and I'd still not know this guy. Just get on with the story and omit the irritating details.

I've also listened to this scenario: "I went there on Tuesday, or maybe it was Wednesday. No, it had to be Tuesday......"

I don't really care which day it was, just tell me where you went and why. Yes, I've caught myself doing this and quickly go on with the story. All the added filler adds nothing to the conversation.

Am I just getting impatient in my later years?


Donna said...


I do agree with you. Also some stories about people I don't know aren't that interesting to me. I want the juice on people I know:)

Jan Tucker said...

You are too funny, whether it's on Tuesday, or let me think, Wednesday or any other day! Love your posts. Can't think of any criticism about you, except we are all waiting on your next book (but I'm on that soapbox all the time just because I know it's up there in that brain of yours. Maybe you were just waiting for that big '60' so you could say you still have it to publish on in your 50's and your new one.

dee said...

When people do that to me I interrupt and say "I'm not going to fact check this story.."

Donna said...

Randee Allison is a clever girl:)

angela | the painted house said...

Ha, I think repeating stories runs in our way to run from it. We all do it! Ha! :)

Thanks for the fun and gifts...taking a break now with hot tea and cookie from putting it all in its proper places.

Love you!

cristal said...

Has Mike been complaining to you about me??

It is rather annoying when other people do it. And I get annoyed with myself when I catch myself doing it. But I am a DETAILS person. Which drives Mike insane.

cheryl said...

I am constantly being told "and the point is?"

cristal said...

Cheryl, that is what I hear from Mike all the time.