Imagine my surprise when I arrived home from my trip to find a new man greeting me at the door. I saw the difference immediately. Robin had shaved off his beard. I've known this man for many years since we met through our businesses, but I've never seen him without fuzz on his face. I've been staring at him ever since. I mean, this is the real deal. No cover-ups.

Please voice your opinions. Should Robin cover his mug with hair or just go bare? He tends to think he looks older without the beard, but I reminded him of all the gray in his beard like a good wife should.

I think he looks younger without the beard, although his skin is pale where the sun hasn't shone in decades. And the kisses! They are better, too!
So, what's the verdict? He's thinking of growing it back in a month or so. Right now, I vote for no beard. I'm enjoying the new look for now. But I think he's handsome either way.
Hair or no hair?
Wow, love the clean face! Even though I love short beards and thought yours was great looking, I think you should leave it off. It might take longer having to shave every day but think it makes a NEW you, Robin. Now Peggy won't have to wonder what her new man looks like from her dreams!!
Handsome new look! I vote for beardless! What a nice surprise!
I think Robin looks great clean shaven. I say give it some time to tan his hide a little before he makes a decision to grow it back. I say go beardless! A woman deserves soft kisses, right?
Absolutely, positively beardless. He looks A LOT younger, no doubt about it. Don't let this go to your head or anything but you have a nice shape to your face without the beard. A very square jaw which is very masculine. I agree with Angela, let the skin get a little color but keep the beard off. Give him a big kiss for us!
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