My Dad - lovingly known by me as Sugar - would have celebrated his 83rd birthday today. As we all gathered around him on his last birthday, we knew his time left with us was short. But he was so alert, so enjoying all of us, that it was still a shock when he died four days later. Losing someone you love has a numbing effect, no matter what you've been told to expect.
Sugar was an incredible man. Most kids believe their dad can do anything. I knew mine could. I grew up as a privileged witness to his vast talents, his strong work ethic, and the productive use of his time. He played the piano flawlessly. He sang. He built his church, and his home, and his shop. He repaired every appliance known to man. He made cabinets. He wallpapered. He did electrical and plumbing. He tape and bedded, painted and plowed. There was nothing too big for his big strong hands. Capable hands. And he did many of these things for other people, always lending a helping hand.
Sugar was a man of character. He was a pillar in his church, with an unwavering belief in God. There were years in his adult life when he stopped going to church. I remember one day in my teens when he dropped me off for church services on his way to work. I'd told him I wished he were going in with me and he said he did too.
"But always remember this, Peggy," he told me. "The church is right. Your daddy is wrong."
I will never forget that perfect example of character. He admitted that his spiritual life was lacking instead of placing the blame on the church or its members. No wonder the day came when he walked back into the church he loved and never walked out again. And what a peace to know that the names of all his loved ones were on his lips as he remained in a constant state of prayer. Having a Christian father is a true blessing. Having that Christian example is priceless.
Sugar went to sleep in Christ, knowing he had fought a good fight. He had read all our birthday letters to him and knew how much he was loved. Throughout his short illness, he was surrounded by those who loved and respected him for the great man he was. If it's possible to have the perfect way to die, he had it. Faith in a loving God, a family that adored him, and a belief in eternal life. How beautiful it would be if we could all leave this life with these three things.
Sugar's funeral was held on my birthday. It was a sad day for me and my family, but a time of pride as we shared this man and his character with all who were in attendance. What an honor to be his daughter.
I miss you, Sugar, and thank you for being a Christian father we all looked up to.