We missed our two redheads, Paula P. and Jan, who were not feeling well. Deb is suffering from an earache and Paula F. usually rides with her. Our newest member, Darlene, comes with Jan. I think this is the first time we've had five missing in one evening. Not good. We hope all you Divas get to feeling better and are ready for our October GNO.
As you can see from the picture, I was pinned in and couldn't take pictures. Our waiter, Marcus, took this one. The first one he took was without a flash and was blurry. Since I looked awful in it, too, I refrained from trying to blackmail anyone with it. Enjoy the one piece of proof that we had a fabulous time.
I don't know what it is about women, a night out, and the giggles. It just happens. Anything and everything is cause for laughter. All serious concerns just fly out the window when we are together. It's healthy. Donna was the brunt of some of our laughter. Cathy and Christy were digging out their Stevia to sweeten their tea. Some of us had heard of this sugar substitute, and some hadn't. Donna had not only heard of it, but she knew its commercial jingle. She began singing, "Ac-ti-vi-a!". We laughed shamefully as Allison pointed out to her that Stevia was a sweetener and Activia kept a body regular. In all fairness to my beautiful Sissy, the two words do sound similar. One has an extra syllable but who's counting? Thanks for the laugh, Donna.
Allison shared a video with us of Baylee mimicking an eagle at the zoo. She squeals, the eagle would squeal. After a few minutes of this, the eagle was becoming freaked. A zoo official approached and asked that she stop antagonizing the poor bird. Of course Baylee never mistreats any animal but sometimes doesn't know what they really like and don't like. And I feel an inner pride that my 5-year-old granddaughter intimidated our national bird. That's some big stuff. That's my girl.
As is often true of women, we lingered outside the front door of the restaurant after dinner and visited some more. Then, as we all moved towards our vehicles, it was more talking and laughter. I think we hugged each other goodbye three times.
Again, thank you, Christy, for joining us for a fun evening. It was great seeing you again. And to our two Paulas, Jan, Deb and Darlene, we look forward to having you back where you belong for our October GNO and dinner. All of you are wonderful friends!
I'm glad I was food for fodder. I'm very good at that.
I had a great time. Those of you who weren't there were missed. Every one of you. So I think we should let one of the absentee divas plan the next get together. Any place is fine with me. Like I said, I'd travel to Waxahachie to see all of you!
It was great to see Christy again! We need to plan a diva night any time she is here.
Well, my sister feels as if she is a TX Diva after last night. She loved meeting each of you and was still laughing about Peggy's "bumper sticker" story. I am now the proud owner of Peggy's two novels (autographed, of course). Look for them on Ebay in a few yrs when she is a famous.I'll be needing the $$ for healthcare insurance.
Question: Why does Patti always pay for the Sopapillas? If we ate Italian, would she pay for our Cannoli? I see a pattern here and plan to take advantage of her generosity. Now I know to suggest restaurants w/ decadent desserts!
To the Divas who missed last night due to illness: Remember that laughter is the best medicine and we laughed enough to cure all of you plus anyone who was feeling puny in Sanger,TX.
Allison, hopefully you got some sleep in your own little bed and not in your van driving home.....
As usual, I can see yall had a great time. I hope 'your Diva Jan' is feeling better, I AM FINE! Peggy, if you know how I can change my comments to Jan T, or Jan Tucker, please let me know. Hope your fellow readers know that comments from 'Jan' are from me, not the Diva Jan.
fun night with fun ladies! love all of you!
It was really wonderful getting together with all of you! Thank you so much for taking the time to meet while I was in town. I'm so impressed being with a great novelist, a talented singer, a child/parent psychologist and a dessert afficianado. There are too many diva's in NJ....thank you for letting me join yours!
Donna, Donna, Donna.......I laughed so hard when I read you singing the ACTIVA song.....your something else! Sure miss you guys.
Donna, that made me think about the old Saturday Night Life when Gilda Radner was always messing up words and Chevy Chase would correct her and she would look staight at the camera and say "Nevermind!" LOL
I think I'll borrow that line, Jan.....to all of you who laughed at my song.......nevermind!
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