Sunday, December 07, 2008

A Funtastic Weekend

A lot was accomplished this weekend and Patty and I had a ball doing it all. I made a huge dent in my Christmas shopping and will have to do a lot of wrapping today. I am not a shopper and having a friend along turns a dreaded task into a fun project. Look at all those bags! Patty is almost done while I've only begun.Part of our weekend was spent at a birthday party for Patty's grandson, Austin. It was held at Todd and Amy's and we feasted on pizza and a gigantic birthday cookie. I got a sweet hug from Patty's pride and joy, Eden. She has such a special family and I enjoyed being a part of their celebration. Little Eden is Patty's clone! And she clings to her grandparents. I love that.
Patty and I have laughed so hard this weekend and it was just what the doctor ordered. We were flipping channels last night and came across a very unusual church service, really weird. I wrote the pastor an e-mail and asked that he explain the service. There was a lot of trance-like dancing and repetitive words. I got an automatic reply, saying if God directs, he will write me back. I'm still waiting.


Anonymous said...

"If God directs, they will write you back"?? WEIRD.

I'm pretty much done shopping too....Only because my checkbook says I am. :( But I haven't started the wrapping yet. That will be next weekend.

angela | the painted house said...

Glad you were able to get a chunk done. I am almost--today I will ship a box to TX!

Anonymous said...

How fun! I got some shopping done too. I even bought some Christmas gifts:) Need to wrap now.

Anonymous said...

That was me......Donna