Saturday, March 31, 2007

What's Wrong With This Picture?

I'll tell you what's wrong with it. Those two beauties are my granddaughters! When did they get this grown up? How old does it make me? I'm not supposed to have grandchildren this old. Wow! Aren't they gorgeous???


Candice said...

Oh Memaw! You are sooo pretty! haha, remember what i said about your chest bone?! lol. i love you! eww and i like that background and everything, but i look bad. lol, love you!

angela | the painted house said...

Yeah, Candice, you look really bad!

Happy anniversary, Mom and Robin! I hope you are having a horrible day...april fools! Have a good one!

Anonymous said...

They are the prettiest girls! I hope they don't have Body Dysmorphic like the rest of us. They are too pretty. I love them.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful ladies!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Ladies!

Candice said...

whats Body Dysmorphic?

Peggy said...

Yeah, Dee, what is that big work you used? Inquiring minds want to know (Candice and Mom).