Wednesday, January 10, 2007

On My Soap Box

Unfortunately for those of you who read this blog with any regularity, I have enough material to make "On My Soap Box" a series. A long series. My opinions may not change the world, but getting them out to the public, however small, will make me feel better.

Here goes. The city of Farmers Branch is trying to implement an Illegal Immigration Ordinance that will require all property owners to require proof of citizenship before renting. Also on the agenda is to make English the official language in Farmers Branch.

What is so wrong with this country that we have to "make" English the official language. I thought it already was. And, it's about time a city or state stood up in an effort to claim their territory. This is the United States of America, isn't it?

Let me point out now that I have nothing against those who come to this country for a better way of life. My deceased husband was Polish, yet was born and raised in Brazil. His lifelong dream was to come to the USA and call it home. He arrived on our shores in the late 60s and went though all the proper channels to become a legalized citizen. His eyes would well with tears whenever he heard the National Anthem. He's the type of immigrant we want here. He loved this country, he learned its history so he could become a citizen, and he embraced our language and way of life. He didn't come here expecting handouts or others speaking Portuguese to help him fit in. He came expecting to work and learn.

If I had gone through the legal channels to become a citizen I would be very upset at those who didn't think it was necessary. It bothers me to see the grand USA becoming so wimpy that it crumbles under the whims of a few. We are quickly getting to a point that if you are a natual-born citizen of this great nation, you are a taxpayer, and a hard worker, you have fewer rights than your neighbor who has crossed the border illegally. I don't get the logic.

First of all, we need to define the word "illegal". It means different things to different people. If I break the speed limit I have committed an illegal act and will be penalized. If a foreigner enters our country illegally, he/she is free to accept our medical care, our food stamps, even our Social Security. If they are not going to be penalized, why do we insist on calling them illegal?

If every city would follow the lead of Farmers Branch and enforce the law within their own boundaries, maybe we could lick this problem. I'm afraid, however, that we will continue giving in to a few voices and ignore the multitude. I'm proud to be an American. I just wish this country would go back to its roots and stand up for what is right. And legal.


michilines said...

The first lawsuit filed against the city of FB in relation to the ordinances alleges that the city violated the Texas Open Meetings Act. It basically means that the city council wants to enact a law by decree, not democratically. Over 908 citizens signed a petition to force the city to put the ordinances up for a vote in May. A couple of days ago, the city council decided that it would go ahead and start enforcing the ordinances this Friday -- ignoring the petitioners -- who are, by the way, registered voters in the city.

Lastly, when the city council was crafting the ordinances last fall, they declined to pass on an ordinance that would have penalized employers for hiring illegals.

Before you praise the city council of FB to terribly much, you should become better informed. Here's a good news aggregator for FB: topix.

Peggy said...

I appreciate your comment. However, I'm in favor of any action that upholds the law concerning anything illegal. As a small business owner, I would welcome a law that inforces only hiring legal citizens, regardless of their nationality. There still remains the proper channels for entering this country. Thanks for your input.