Friday, December 01, 2006

A Picture's Worth 1,000 Words?

My words will have to do, sans any pictures for awhile. We took some cute shots Thanksgiving of Baylee just hanging onto the dog and donkeys, but my Kodak program hasn't been able to load them. The program has always been temperamental and its latest attitude is unnerving.

Actually, I fear the whole computer is about to crash. Icons disappear from the desktop, and strange error messages have become the norm. Neither Robin nor I have a clue about the hard drive. I don't know how a computer works. I'm just happy when it does.

So, until we fix the program or purchase a new computer, I will rely on my words alone. Yes, it could get very boring around here.


angela | the painted house said...

We read your blog for the're the writer, remember? Of course, I'll want to see pics of Baylee. BUt don't worry about boring us! We only get bored if you don't post regularly!!!

Anonymous said...
