Patty and I are leaving today to spend one night in Houston before boarding our ship in Galveston. We'll be sailing on Carnival Cruise's Conquest, one of the larger ships in their fleet. It should make the sailing go smoother. Our first two days will be at sea, my favorite days of all. Wednesday we will stop in Montego Bay, Jamaica. Thursday is the Cayman Islands, and Friday is Cozumel. We will dock in Galveston on Sunday, the 8th. Whether or not we go to shore depends on how I feel and what type of port it is.
The surgeon assured me I could take this cruise since it's two weeks after my surgery. He only told me to do what I feel like doing and to all my friends and family who have worried over this, let me assure you that I'd rather be sick at home than on another vacation. I will take it easy! Patty and I plan on lots of rest and reading. I'll spend most of my time on the balcony with a good book (not Simon Says, I've read it several times already!).
The pain I've felt has been replaced by soreness, which is a big relief. I tire easily and know when it's time to get back in bed. I was concerned that I wouldn't be able to fit into my clothes from all my tissues absorbing a week of IVs. I am happy to say I've lost 18 pounds of fluid since I've been home from the hospital and won't have to wear nightshirts on the cruise!
I hope to bring back prettier pictures than the ones posted below. Surely I won't have two vacations turn into a nightmare. Thanks to all of you wonderful friends and family who have stood beside me. Now, take a break from me and focus on your own lives. This invalid is off to the high seas!
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
And How Was Your Vacation?
I promised pictures of our vacation and here they are. As you can see, there are no fishing scenes, or beach fun, or lounging around the pool. Sometimes, no matter how well you plan a vacation, something happens to rearrange the plans. That's what happened to us.
We arrived at Surfside around 5:00 pm on Friday and checked into our condo. Our balcony had the perfect view of the beach and we began settling in for a week of fun and relaxation. Once the luggage was carried upstairs, we decided to run out for a view provisions to hold us over until we could do some serious grocery shopping. We browsed in an unusual bait/convenience store and a talking parrot greeted us as we walked through the store. I had fun taking to him and watching how he carefully eyed my every movement.
From there we went to another store in town and picked up a few things - mainly milk for Robin's coffee and Diet Coke to curb my addiction. We headed back to the condo via the beach, driving very close to the water's edge. For dinner, we opted for The Red Snapper where Robin had red snapper and I had spaghetti with Greek meatballs. It was a wonderful dinner and we really enjoyed ourselves. As we finished eating and were talking together, I noticed a wave of pain run across my stomach and was gone. I thought no more about it until I awoke the next morning with more of the same pain.
I assumed it was trapped gas (we've all been there) and moved around alittle to get things moving. Then I mentioned to Robin that I felt nauseated. Immediately and without warning, the pain increased and I was throwing up all over the place. OK, we ruled out trapped gas and decided to see a doctor. The condo manager suggested we go to the emergency room in Lake Jackson, about 30 minutes away. We pulled up before noon and by then I was unable to get out of the Jeep by myself. I was rushed inside for all kinds of tests and labs, leaving a nice trail behind me as I went (uh, more of the vomiting). Finally, we were told I needed emergency surgery for a blockage in my small intestines.
The surgery was performed the next morning - the day Robin was scheduled to be on a party boat for deep sea fishing. I was in ICU for the next three days before being sent to a regular room. A section of my intestines had died and had to be cut away, then re-attached. The blockage was caused by a kink in my intestines - probably from another surgery - and scar tissue had formed. And as luck would have it, the time came at the end of the week for Robin to check out of the condo before I was even out of the hospital.
I was told I could go home on Friday and I was so anxious to do so. I hadn't seen my kids and we were all frantic to have an emergency going on when we were so far apart from each other. The doctor signed my release and told me I could leave after another IV. The nurse removed the 23 stapples from my stomach and helped me up to have my lunch. I saw blood on my gown. Robin looked and confirmed that my incision was opening up. The surgeon was called in, he repaired the damage, and taped me up again. Then, the port had to be removed from my neck. The same nurse struggled to get the metal clamps out, but one was stubborn and buried too deeply into my skin. More blood. A second nurse - and scalpel - were brought in and the mission was finally accomplished. I was fitted with a corsett (I'd hoped to shop for swimwear) to ensure a smoother ride home. We left at 6:00 pm for Dallas. I was so swollen I had to travel in a nightshirt and, yes, I had to stop at gas stations and walk inside to use the bathroom. Besides the nightshirt, picture this - hair that had been slept on for a week, no makeup, pink flip flops, and a granny housecoat Robin had hurridly purchased at Wal-Mart. My daughters would be shocked!
And speaking of shocked, I am forgetting my vanity long enough to post two pictures of our vacation. One is of me after I was moved from ICU, nose hose and all. The other is a picture Robin graciously took of my "condo" for the week.
I'm improving every day and feeling so much better now that I have dropped 8 pounds of fluid I'd retained. How awful to go a week without food and gain 5 pounds! I saw my own doctor today and he said I was healing nicely except for second-degree-type burns caused from the surgical tape. He lanced 6 blisters and gave me a prescription for cream. Neighbors arrive daily with our meals and we feel so blessed to be surrounded by so many caring, wonderful people.
Thank you to all who have prayed and supported us. I guess I shouldn't have been so smug in my last post and rubbing it in about vacationing at the beach. Oh well. I'm so thankful we returned in one piece.
We arrived at Surfside around 5:00 pm on Friday and checked into our condo. Our balcony had the perfect view of the beach and we began settling in for a week of fun and relaxation. Once the luggage was carried upstairs, we decided to run out for a view provisions to hold us over until we could do some serious grocery shopping. We browsed in an unusual bait/convenience store and a talking parrot greeted us as we walked through the store. I had fun taking to him and watching how he carefully eyed my every movement.
From there we went to another store in town and picked up a few things - mainly milk for Robin's coffee and Diet Coke to curb my addiction. We headed back to the condo via the beach, driving very close to the water's edge. For dinner, we opted for The Red Snapper where Robin had red snapper and I had spaghetti with Greek meatballs. It was a wonderful dinner and we really enjoyed ourselves. As we finished eating and were talking together, I noticed a wave of pain run across my stomach and was gone. I thought no more about it until I awoke the next morning with more of the same pain.
I assumed it was trapped gas (we've all been there) and moved around alittle to get things moving. Then I mentioned to Robin that I felt nauseated. Immediately and without warning, the pain increased and I was throwing up all over the place. OK, we ruled out trapped gas and decided to see a doctor. The condo manager suggested we go to the emergency room in Lake Jackson, about 30 minutes away. We pulled up before noon and by then I was unable to get out of the Jeep by myself. I was rushed inside for all kinds of tests and labs, leaving a nice trail behind me as I went (uh, more of the vomiting). Finally, we were told I needed emergency surgery for a blockage in my small intestines.
The surgery was performed the next morning - the day Robin was scheduled to be on a party boat for deep sea fishing. I was in ICU for the next three days before being sent to a regular room. A section of my intestines had died and had to be cut away, then re-attached. The blockage was caused by a kink in my intestines - probably from another surgery - and scar tissue had formed. And as luck would have it, the time came at the end of the week for Robin to check out of the condo before I was even out of the hospital.
I was told I could go home on Friday and I was so anxious to do so. I hadn't seen my kids and we were all frantic to have an emergency going on when we were so far apart from each other. The doctor signed my release and told me I could leave after another IV. The nurse removed the 23 stapples from my stomach and helped me up to have my lunch. I saw blood on my gown. Robin looked and confirmed that my incision was opening up. The surgeon was called in, he repaired the damage, and taped me up again. Then, the port had to be removed from my neck. The same nurse struggled to get the metal clamps out, but one was stubborn and buried too deeply into my skin. More blood. A second nurse - and scalpel - were brought in and the mission was finally accomplished. I was fitted with a corsett (I'd hoped to shop for swimwear) to ensure a smoother ride home. We left at 6:00 pm for Dallas. I was so swollen I had to travel in a nightshirt and, yes, I had to stop at gas stations and walk inside to use the bathroom. Besides the nightshirt, picture this - hair that had been slept on for a week, no makeup, pink flip flops, and a granny housecoat Robin had hurridly purchased at Wal-Mart. My daughters would be shocked!
And speaking of shocked, I am forgetting my vanity long enough to post two pictures of our vacation. One is of me after I was moved from ICU, nose hose and all. The other is a picture Robin graciously took of my "condo" for the week.
I'm improving every day and feeling so much better now that I have dropped 8 pounds of fluid I'd retained. How awful to go a week without food and gain 5 pounds! I saw my own doctor today and he said I was healing nicely except for second-degree-type burns caused from the surgical tape. He lanced 6 blisters and gave me a prescription for cream. Neighbors arrive daily with our meals and we feel so blessed to be surrounded by so many caring, wonderful people.
Thank you to all who have prayed and supported us. I guess I shouldn't have been so smug in my last post and rubbing it in about vacationing at the beach. Oh well. I'm so thankful we returned in one piece.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Vacation Bound, Blog on Hold
Robin and I will be leaving for the beach in a couple of days and the blog will be neglected. I will have my laptop with me if the urge to write gets too strong. I hope to bring back some wonderful pictures of us relaxing with fishing poles, books, beach and sand, while the rest of you were working. Our condo is right on a 14-mile stretch of deserted beach, with the pool facing the beach. Flashlights are ready for romantic strolls at night. I've agreed to pier fishing as long as I don't have to touch bait or fish. One day is set aside for Robin to do some deep-sea fishing while I lie around the condo/pool/beach/bed with a good book. Riding the high seas on a party boat doesn't set well with my stomach. Robin, however, got used to that in the Navy. We hope to catch some end-of-summer sales on swimwear, sightsee, and get lots of rest. We're almost packed and ready to go!
Monday, September 11, 2006
Book 2 On Sale Now!
Simon Says, Book 2 became available today. I have ordered in bulk for friends and family in my area. Books 1 and 2 can be purchased from me for $18 each, which also covers my shipping cost. For those outside of my area, please visit for ordering information. Bookmarks will be available soon, at no charge to you. Thank you all for your support during this exciting time in my life! I am truly living a dream!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
The Joys of Marriage X
Shopping: Neither Robin nor I are shoppers. I'm sure my kids can remember all those times when we had to stop at the mall and I'd say, "let's get what we need and get out." Robin teases me that I enjoy shopping when he knows I don't. I guess it's something women are supposed to like and he thinks I should fit into that category. Maybe because I have a weakness for shoes and perfume.
Alas, shopping is a necessity, especially grocery shopping, which I detest. On the rare occasions when Robin will accompany me to get groceries, I regret that I invited him. For one thing, my grocery bill is higher. He picks out ice cream and chips and car magazines. The worst, however, is his own attitude of "get in, get out."
My reasoning on this subject is simple: we are here, we might as well get what we need and not have to come back anytime soon. Oh no, not for Robin. "Is it on the list?" "No, Robin, certain things don't make it to the list because they are standard, we get them each time we go." "Well, let's go home. You can come back tomorrow."
Tomorrow??? We are at the store, the items we need are a few aisles over and he thinks I should drive home without them, only to return the next day and pick them up. That doesn't make sense to me. If I don't care for this chore, why not get what I need now and delay having to repeat the same chore? This falls into the same reasoning I pointed out in a previous post about how he seldom fills his Jeep when he stops for gas. The bottom line is he wants to get out of the grocery store and it doesn't matter to him if I have to go there alone every day of the week.
Shopping at the mall isn't as bad with him, but it still ties me in knots. He's really doing nothing wrong, but I feel the pressure to hurry and get him out of that horrible environment. And, still, he asks if the things I'm looking at were on the list. "Didn't we come to look for a silver purse? What are those nightgowns for?" I explain that since I'm going on a week-long cruise with a friend I need more nightgowns. "But you told me we were shopping for a silver purse." I give up.
I've concluded that shopping in pairs should consist of two good friends. Leave hubby home to watch football. When you show him all the purchases, he will assume they were all on your mental list when you entered the store. And you can shop in peace. There won't be a pair of hands steering you away from the perfume counter or shoe department. Robin has an extensive gun and knife collection. I guess they just appeared here one day. Surely he didn't go shopping for them!
Alas, shopping is a necessity, especially grocery shopping, which I detest. On the rare occasions when Robin will accompany me to get groceries, I regret that I invited him. For one thing, my grocery bill is higher. He picks out ice cream and chips and car magazines. The worst, however, is his own attitude of "get in, get out."
My reasoning on this subject is simple: we are here, we might as well get what we need and not have to come back anytime soon. Oh no, not for Robin. "Is it on the list?" "No, Robin, certain things don't make it to the list because they are standard, we get them each time we go." "Well, let's go home. You can come back tomorrow."
Tomorrow??? We are at the store, the items we need are a few aisles over and he thinks I should drive home without them, only to return the next day and pick them up. That doesn't make sense to me. If I don't care for this chore, why not get what I need now and delay having to repeat the same chore? This falls into the same reasoning I pointed out in a previous post about how he seldom fills his Jeep when he stops for gas. The bottom line is he wants to get out of the grocery store and it doesn't matter to him if I have to go there alone every day of the week.
Shopping at the mall isn't as bad with him, but it still ties me in knots. He's really doing nothing wrong, but I feel the pressure to hurry and get him out of that horrible environment. And, still, he asks if the things I'm looking at were on the list. "Didn't we come to look for a silver purse? What are those nightgowns for?" I explain that since I'm going on a week-long cruise with a friend I need more nightgowns. "But you told me we were shopping for a silver purse." I give up.
I've concluded that shopping in pairs should consist of two good friends. Leave hubby home to watch football. When you show him all the purchases, he will assume they were all on your mental list when you entered the store. And you can shop in peace. There won't be a pair of hands steering you away from the perfume counter or shoe department. Robin has an extensive gun and knife collection. I guess they just appeared here one day. Surely he didn't go shopping for them!
Friday, September 08, 2006
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Book 2 Has Gone To Print!
Simon Says, Book 2, has been submitted for printing. It should be "live" by Friday or Monday. I'll be ordering in bulk for local friends and family. Please check for availability. When book two's price is listed it is ready to order. This has been a very exciting adventure and I thank all of you for your support. Please note the slight change in cover art on book two. My artist did a wonderful job and I hear so many compliments on her. Love you, Punkin!
Monday, September 04, 2006
Class of '68 and '69

Robin and I had a wonderful visit with Ronnie and Jan Tucker today. Jan and I were classmates and friends at MacArthur High School in Irving. Jan made sandwiches for all of us and we got to meet her handsome son, Brian, and her beautiful granddaughter, Maisye. A big highlight for Robin was getting to see the Cobra car that Ronnie had assembled from a kit. Quite a kit! And, we saw his orange 1970 Cuda that he bought when it was new, way back when! We toured their beautiful motor home and even sat in there for awhile and talked in the nice A/C. That's the kind of camping I could do. No roughing it in that thing!
Jan and Ronnie live in Oak Leaf in the De Soto/Ovilla/Red Oak area with country surroundings. They are a lovely couple and we really enjoyed our visit. There's never a dull moment with Jan around. Her enthusiasm for life is contagious and I suspect she never meets a stranger. How great to be on such a natural high! We look forward to more fun times with this delightful pair.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Thank you, Jan!!!
My high school friend, Jan, left a review on my blog! She finished reading my book and had wonderful things to say. I'm sure that since we've been friends for years and she typed one of my stories for me in high school has NOTHING to do with her generous praise. It's my first book "review" outside of family and I will always cherish it. Jan, you're an absolute sweetheart! I'll have a picture of her holding the book posted here very soon! Thanks, Jan!!!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
A Night With Sissy
Robin and I just enjoyed a wonderful night out with Donna and James. We met at Olive Garden in Denton for dinner. From there, we moved the visiting to a little table in Barnes & Noble for coffee and dessert. Robin found a parking space closer to the front of the book store and told Donna and James it was labeled "author parking". We talked and laughed a lot and it was so good being with them. We made plans to make this a regular event. Donna, of course, looked as beautiful as ever. I'd planned to take my camera so I could post pictures of our fun, but at the last minute I had a senior moment.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Rueben Sandwiches!
I have a loaf of my Mother's homemade rye bread! She also threw in some rye flour, caraway seed, and the recipe for a rare occasion when I feel up to baking bread.
We sampled it earlier this week by having egg salad sandwiches for lunch. Delicious! Robin and I love rye bread! So, after work today I bought provolone cheese, corned beef from the deli, horseradish, and saurkraut. I made wonderful, fattening, grilled Rueben sandwiches on the best bread around! Not only delicious, but a quick meal. I usually buy a corned beef and cook it all day to make these sandwiches. For after work, the deli meat worked fine. Remember these, Allison and Angela?
We sampled it earlier this week by having egg salad sandwiches for lunch. Delicious! Robin and I love rye bread! So, after work today I bought provolone cheese, corned beef from the deli, horseradish, and saurkraut. I made wonderful, fattening, grilled Rueben sandwiches on the best bread around! Not only delicious, but a quick meal. I usually buy a corned beef and cook it all day to make these sandwiches. For after work, the deli meat worked fine. Remember these, Allison and Angela?
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