Monday, July 24, 2006

The Joys of Marriage, II

Driving habits: I have no problem with the way Robin drives. He obeys the speed limit, doesn't tailgate, and doesn't cross solid white lines. He only uses the passing lane when he is passing, otherwise he keeps to the right. There have been a few occasions when his driving has irritated me, like when I'm in a hurry and he has the speed set exactly on 60. Usually, though, I can enjoy the ride when he is beyhind the wheel. I used to be a terrible backseat driver, when I was married to a Polish Brazilian. Need I say more?

About the only bad thing Robin does when driving is curse other drivers. I swear he can go around the corner to a store and see five careless drivers on the way. I've pointed out that all of us have made stupid driving mistakes and maybe one of these drivers is having his/her turn. No, they are deliberately cutting him off. I try to give the benefit of the doubt unless I receive some sort of hand gesture.

I, on the other hand, irritate Robin with my driving. I've been known to ignore speed limits and race right down the road. I'm learning to watch that and set the cruise control. I don't need a ticket or a free ride in a hearse. I remember one trip we made to Houston and we were on this long stretch of road and I was driving my BMW. I asked Robin if he wanted to see how I could get it over 100 mph. He said no, and he meant it. I waited a few minutes before I put the pedal to the metal. He's finally talking to me again.

As I said, I'm no longer a backseat driver but now I know how annoying it is to have one. Robin tells me to watch for this car and that car, turn left up there, turn right over here, and so on. He even gives me directions when I'm driving in our own neighborhood! I've lived in this house for 32 years. Robin has lived here for eight years. For some reason, he has to direct me home. What's up with that?


angela | the painted house said...

Ah, to have one more hair-raising ride to the airport, late for a flight, with that crazy Polish Brazilian!

Peggy said...

Yes, as frustrating, scary, and aggravating as it could be, I'd love to be sitting beside him now as he rides another car's bumper!