Thursday, April 30, 2009

Guess Who Grew A Heart?

The IRS! No kidding. During these hard financial times, even the IRS recognizes that individuals might actually have some money problems.

How do I know? I recently received a letter from them, informing me that I had missed a federal tax deposit. One sentence read, "we understand that during these uncertain financial times, you may have difficulty in meeting your responsibility." What? No threat to levy or garnish wages? Could this beast have an actual beating heart?

Once I got over the shock of the letter, I did research to find the missing payment. I didn't recall missing one, but it wouldn't surprise me if my feeble mind had overlooked one. To my relief, all payments were made and posted on the right due dates. So, I called the number on my IRS letter to ask them what the problem was. They didn't know. They don't handle this particular problem at this particular phone number.

"But it's the phone number listed to call to verify this information," I said.

"Well, those letters are computer-generated. You need to call your Revenue Officer."

"And what might that number be?" I asked, but felt like saying "didn't you receive my computer-generated payment which is as useless as your phone number?"

So, I was given the number for the Revenue Officer and told that any officer who answered would be able to help me. I called the number, which went to one specific officer, and got voice mail. I left a detailed message and have yet to hear from them.

Another letter arrived, more to the tune of the IRS. They don't have much of a heart after all. This letter with the computer-generated phone number is now threatening all kinds of things if this matter isn't handled to their satisfaction. So I have the arduous task of trying to reach someone, anyone, to clear this up. This isn't the first time they have misapplied one of my payments and solving the problem takes years off your life.

I will remain with my initial opinion that the IRS is heartless. Maybe since the computer "generated" that letter, the computer is the one with a heart. It makes more sense.


angela | the painted house said...

It is aggravating to spend time on the phone settling a problem you didn't create! I hope you find the person who can settle it for you.

cheryl said...

First I felt a relief when I read the beginning of your blog. THEN...the usual, no one to help straighten out a problem. Voice mail, menu 1 to menu 2 to menu 3. By that time another payment due, and another ulcer created. Hope you get your answer soon. Meanwhile, gotta go, I am waiting on my "voice mail" returns.


Donna said...

Urrgh!!!! Did it ask if you wanted English or Spanish? I really dislike the IRS!

cristal said...

Donna, I was going to same the same thing....Press one for English.

So aggravating! Especially when it's NOT your fault!