Saturday, April 11, 2009

Peeps Anyone?

Robin always gives me a little gift for Easter. Usually it's a plush rabbit or chick, something that ends up in the toy room for the grandchildren or on a shelf in the closet. This year he walked in with this box of Peeps. It's a joke since he knows I find these things disgusting.

Now, I don't recall if I've ever eaten one of these little yellow, mushy guys. I don't think I have. My judgment of this Easter tradition is based on appearance alone. They just don't look appetizing to me. I'm not a real fan of chocolate bunnies either. I love sweets as much as the next person, but what passes as Easter candy leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Do kids actually like Peeps? I know they will eat just about anything with sugar in it, but Peeps? I'll stick with my Peanut M&Ms in their pretty Easter pastels. The rest of you are welcome to this box of yellow chick goo.


cheryl said...

I have to admit, with all the sweet things I eat, these are NOT one of them. That felt good to say! I actually can turn down a piece of candy (I guess that's what they call it!)

Have a Happy and blessed Easter BB and Robin...

Love you

Jan Tucker said...

I agree with you....peeps don't do a thing for me. Or cotton candy for that matter! Give me a chocolate bunny any time of the year but I have not bought one on purpose. Heaven knows I don't need it, but then again, what I WANT and what I NEED are two entirely different things! I have regular Easter M&M's and Reese's Peanut Butter cups instead.
Happy Easter everyone.

angela | the painted house said...

Not much on eating marshmallows--especially bright yellow ones. But I love looking at them! Easter is definitely my favorite season for candy. I love all the pastel wrappings.

cristal said...

I don't mind eating them. I've never gone out and bought any but I'll eat them if someone has some. Oh, and I like the pink ones!

I feel weird eating a chocolate bunny. Chocolate cross anyone?

Donna said...

I don't remember eating any candy at Easter. Our Mother always baked a beautiful cake for Easter. She would dye coconut to put on top of white icing on the cake to look like an Easter basket and would top the coconut with colorful jelly beans. I do remember eating alot of boiled eggs. I considered that a treat.