Thursday, May 07, 2009

Shoes: Lost and Found

We kept Baylee and Sophia yesterday while Allison took Jude in for his 7-year checkup. When it came time for them to go home we couldn't find Sophia's shoes. We searched everywhere. I even looked in my closet since we had been in there to see Parker who hides when kids come over. No shoes.

Sophia went home in her cute bare feet. I knew the shoes would show up and I could get them to her later. Robin found them first, but he wouldn't tell me where they were. He just assured me that I'd find them soon enough.
I did. I went to my closet again to put my shoes away and there were Sophia's shoes lined up with mine. Not in the middle of the floor where I expected to see them if she had removed them when looking for Parker. I just melted seeing those tiny shoes aligned with mine. I hope I do have big shoes to fill.

Also, as they were leaving Sophia soiled her diaper and didn't want anyone but "Ma" (short for Memaw) to change her. Does that make me her favorite or least favorite? It's hard to tell.


cristal said...

So sweet! She lined them up with yours. As if that's their place.

As far as the diaper changing thing goes, not sure about Sophia but you're definetely Allison's favorite. haha

cheryl said...

Don't you wish you could have watched Sophia putting those shoes in perfect line with yours! I picture her very delicately placing them next to her memaw's with great pride.....sooo cute.

angela | the painted house said...

Wait, Randee's child lined up her shoes all neatly in the closet???? I don't believe it ! :)

She is a sweet little girl and I'm glad that she loves her Ma.

dee said...

Angela, my thoughts exactly. I cannot believe my child did anything neatly.

Donna said...

She must not be Randee's daughter:) Those shoes would not have been neatly lined up next to yours. I love you Randee!!!!!

Donna said...

LOL!!!I hadn't read Angela's or Randee's comments when I wrote mine.

Jan Tucker said...

Glad you don't throw your shoes in the closet; they might not ever be found! We don't think our kids are paying attention all the time but this proves they do. Neat and orderly and the exact same direction as Memaw's!
Happy Mother's Day to all my friends and their Ma's.

Anonymous said...

thank goodness Sophia was in your closet - had she been in mine looking to line her shoes up, you, me, allison, etc. would still be looking for her - probably going toward the little voice that kept saying "help me, help me"!! I've got to get that thing cleaned out this summer!! What a great little story!!