Monday, September 15, 2008

A Date with Michael

Patty surprised me with tickets to a Michael Buble concert. We will be jazzing it up on October 11. I don't know what it is about me and these younger men! Oh yeah, I like their voices in song.


Anonymous said...

Michael Buble is so cute!!

I caught up on my blog reading:

Donna, yes I think you caused her ulcer. :)

I would have loved to see pictures of Patty climbing down that pit to get her golf club!! Now that would have been funny!!

I'm very impressed that you took the trash out in your pj's and no make-up. There must not have been any cute men there were there??

Anonymous said...

LOVE HIM!!!! I don't know a lot of his music, but what I have heard, I love.

Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Boy, I am really falling behind, who is Michael Buble? Have to look him up on You Tube and see if I have heard him before..

angela | the painted house said...

Don't know him, but looks like a fine fellow. Hope you have fun!