Allison took Baylee to see the musical Wicked and they both thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Since the musical is about the witches from Wizard of Oz, Baylee dressed as Dorothy - complete with Toto in a basket - and was the center of attention. She makes a very cute Dorothy.

Isn't she the sweetest Dorothy you have ever seen?

Sophia spent the day with Memaw and Papa and she was indulged! As it should be. I got in the pool with her and we had a grand time. Her cheeks were getting rosy and I was concerned that she was getting too much sun, but every time I asked if she was ready to go inside she said she wasn't. Then, after two hours of splashing and having the time of our lives, she told me she was ready to call it a day.

Here are my pretty girls as they were dropping off Sophia before the musical. I was happy to learn that Sophia smiled and clapped her hands when learning she would stay with us instead of attending the musical. That's my girl! She's so sweet and we really enjoyed her. We also enjoyed the special cupcakes Allison brought back. Mine was red velvet. Yum.
They are all beautiful!
Precious, precious, precious!
Cute, cute, cute! Glad you all had fun! I'll have to show this to Juliet. :)
They are absolutely gorgeous!! All three of them!! I'm so glad Baylee is into Muscials - my kind of girl - Allison needs to check into the Children's Theatre over off of Skillman and Northwest Highway - I took my granddaughters to many of their shows up until the oldest one was 16 - I told them I thought they were getting a little old to be coming to these productions and my granddaughter looked at me and said, "you're here aren't you?" Never did like that girl!! They do have some really cute productions however, and no witches to scare Sophia! Love your family - Paula
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