Monday, June 07, 2010

Weekend Getaway

Patty and I took off again for the weekend and our first stop was to see the birthday girl. My mother turned 84 years young on Friday. We brought chicken salad for lunch and a pecan roll for her to have with coffee the next morning. We ditched the buns we'd brought for the chicken salad when we saw Mother pull her rolls from the oven. They made a mighty good sandwich!
We watched Mother mix up more bread for her weekend company and wondered how a woman her age could mix such a thick amount of dough without coming up for air. She's definitely amazing.

My thoughts on this day were also on Chezzy who passed away on my mother's birthday 17 years ago. Each anniversary is sad, but this one held a greater emptiness knowing that Angela has now lived her life as long with him as without him. But no matter what the milestone, the impact he made on each of us is lasting and just as precious today as it's always been. He was a very loved man and one who returned that love in abundance.
After visiting with Mother, Patty and I headed farther east where we were booked in a lovely suite with plenty of room to move around. Besides taking it easy, we took in several antique stores.
When friends get away for the weekend there are only a few staples needed to get us by. This is the inside of our refrigerator. Very sparse for a reason.
Notice the kitchen counter. Peanut M&Ms and a coffeemaker. The stove and microwave were never touched, which is the whole purpose of the trip.

The only thing unpleasant about this trip was the bar right outside our window. There were some lively parties at all hours - lots of noise, laughter, squealing, and loud motorcycles. It started out quietly the first night when I asked Patty, "do you hear voices?"

"Yes," she said.

"Good," I responded.


Donna said...

Yes, Mother is certainly amazing. Glad you had a good visit.

angela | the painted house said...

So happy that you were able to be with NanNaw on her birthday and get a trip away, too. Love you!