Friday, June 25, 2010

June Divas - Celebrating Paula P's Birthday

When Paula told her friends that the Texas Divas were treating her to a birthday dinner at a gas station, she received some weird looks. But that's exactly what we did. Since Paula is such a dear member of our group, what better way to celebrate her big day than to serve up some yummies inside a gas station. However, we didn't feast on hot dogs or pre-made Blimpie sandwiches. We dined in style. From appetizers to the main course to the final dish of bread pudding, I think everyone enjoyed their selection.

Paula made a haul on the birthday gifts. She really received some nice things. One very special gift came from Cathy who had just returned from a trip abroad and brought back a rosary for Paula. It was beautiful. But then, Paula is a beautiful person.

We planned to snap a picture of Paula in front of one of the gas pumps, but it was raining when we left the restaurant. Still, she can tell her friends that we did, indeed, treat her to a fabulous birthday dinner in a gas station. The food was excellent. The company was even better.


Donna said...

The food was very good, but we must share the next time we dine there. Yes, we did it up in style for Ms. Payne. After all, she deserves it!

DiamondDeb said...

Such a great place to meet. Had to wait 2 hours for Tow truck to tow me home - the chef was mad I didn't let him know I was in distress. Lives near me - wanted to take me home. Great guy - had a blast with you girls.