Wednesday, April 08, 2009


Nothing rejuvenates the spirit like a girls night out! As usual, we had a blast. We laughed so hard and so loud that I'm surprised we weren't asked to leave the premises.Patty, Paula P. and I arrived early enough to browse the stores in the shopping center where the restaurant is located. A few treasures were found, as is usually the case when women shop.
We missed Jan who couldn't attend due to a last minute change in plans. Cristal wanted to try out our group but had seen the physical therapist earlier in the day and was dealing with neck pain. We hope both these women will join us next month as we celebrate Allison's birthday.

Are we having fun, or what? It's such an amusing bunch! We need different things from different relationships. I dare say this big common friendship fulfills each need!


Donna said...

We are fun, aren't we! I enjoyed seeing everyone so much. Looking forward to the pool party Deb! Let's start planning the date and what we need to bring. You do have a new ice tea pitcher in plastic, right?

cristal said...

Glad y'all had fun!

After my PT visit today I felt great but now the pain and soreness has kicked in again. I think I feel worse tonight than I did last night. Oh well, that's what those great muscle relaxers are for!

DiamondDeb said...

It was good to see everyone. Miss Jan though. Let's do the pool party May 23rd. Crystal you need to come honey. Love all of you.

angela | the painted house said...

I heard someone had a potty mouth there. Naughty girls.

Donna said...

Shut the front door!

Anonymous said...

You girls don't know how much you lift my spirits every time we're together - what a wonderful and unusual group we have - all walks of life, all ages but yet basically the same (with the exception of politics) but that's what makes us great - we all get to be who we are and still have fun!! Can't wait to see you all next month at the pool party!! Paula P