Oh, what fun the three of us had last night as we took a limo to dinner and Michael Buble concert! My concert pictures didn't turn out but I'm sure Allison will use my blog to upload some of her better ones of our evening. We laughed so hard at each other and especially Allison, who is a show all by herself.

Our limo arrives and we gracefully stepped in like we knew what we were doing. Our driver was so nice and polite and very accommodating.

I'm sure this is the first time a limo has pulled up in front of my house and that is just wrong.

Beautiful Allison looked right at home inside the limo. Her blue silk blouse brought out the gorgeous blue of her eyes. Beauty and fun in one delightful package.

Can we have a show of pinky fingers, please? We lived it up, thank you very much. How relaxing it was to be dropped off in front and not have to fight traffic. I wish we could have filled the limo. There was plenty of room for more friends and family. Actually, Allison's children couldn't understand why they couldn't be driven around in the limo while we were at dinner. Life can be so unfair.
Thank you, Patty, for allowing us to slum it for one special night.