Our precious little Sophia Renee (Renee after her Aunt Angela Renee) arrived today and was greeted by many happy family members. She weighs 8 pounds, 4 ounces, and is 20 inches long. She doesn't have much hair but it's a light brown and could turn blond like her brother, Jude's. She's a very beautiful baby and I'm not just saying that because I'm her Memaw. She's just perfect.
Big sister, Baylee (that sounds so strange!), kept asking if she could "pet Sophia". Jude gave her lots of kisses, but his main concern was caring for his Mama. He looked very important in his "Big Brother" T-shirt. Special visitors today included grandparents Jerry & Sharon, great-grandparents John & Bobbie, Uncle Ron and Thomas. Sophia met a lot of family today. Of course, Memaw and Papa were on hand too.
What a blessing to welcome my 8th grandchild and I thank God for all the wonderful children and grandchildren in my life.
Allison is doing very well other than low blood pressure. She's on cloud nine as she holds her little girl. Proud Daddy Brian is wearing a big smile too. Welcome to our growing family, Sophia. We love you!
Great pictures! Congratulations Memaw!
oh my goodness she is so adoreable!
Angela, you and Brian sure do make pretty babies! She is another 'Precious Moment'. I thought about you that morning and my Mother even called me that afternoon to see if I had from your Mom! I called her after I got Peggy's email and we were both excited. Peggy, 3 children and 8 GRANDchildren. You are so blessed.
Am I dumb or what, of course I meant ALLISON, not Angela. Senior moment! Sorry about that. (P.S. However, Angela, I have seen pictures of Ashton and Juliet and you have 2 darlings, for sure)
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