All my trips to Bandera have been unforgettable. I've always been there to share lazy days with friends and this is the first time I went without them. But it was still wonderful since I got to spend a few days with baby girl, Angela, and three of my sweet grandchildren. No pajama days on this trip. We were on the go!

We spent one morning on the condo's playground and played a little soccer. I was rusty, but managed to get a few good kicks in. Ashton and Juliet were awesome!

Little man, Callan, is my youngest grandchild and just as handsome as the rest of them.

We had fun playing games inside the condo too. Ashton took over the score pad when he saw that I added something incorrectly. He was faster than I was too.

After the playground, we headed to Natural Bridge Caverns. Ashton had studied about cave formations and was excited to see them. We ventured down 180 feet on steep inclines, then back up 180 feet. I thought I'd be sore the next day, but I wasn't. When I told Robin about our day he asked if I remembered that I'd had a heart attack. I told him I was supposed to exercise and he said, "not all in one day." Point taken.

These next two pictures show how natural our Juliet is at posing. She wants to be an artist who designs clothes, and I think she could add model to her future.

I see the same love and knack for art in Juliet that I saw in Angela. She draws beautifully. I asked if she would be taking lessons from an art teacher like her mom did, and Juliet reminded me that her mom is capable of teaching her art. Why didn't I think of that?

Isn't he handsome? He favors his grandpa whom I loved with all my heart.

Memaw is in good company!