Saturday, April 17, 2010


Most manufacturer's put a lot of thought into packaging. Sometimes these products catch your eye and you want them, whether you need them or not. They just look so darn tantalizing. Perfumes, especially, are often boxed so beautifully that I wonder if half of the price is for packaging. Since perfume is my passion, they can reel me in regardless of how it's presented.

But what about the packaging that is downright irritating? Oh, there are many. How often have you purchased a baking dish or cookie sheet and fought to remove the glue residue from their label? I've soaked them, scrubbed them, cursed at them, and they still retain their stubborn ways. There are better ways to apply the product name and I applaud those companies who have found it.

Canned goods are another source of irritation. I detest can openers. They are nasty. Even more, I don't like to use them and have the contents splash up on the lid. That's unsanitary, even if I've wiped the lid before opening. I prefer the pull-tops that make opening the can as clean as possible. Thank you Campbells and others who have gone this route.

And what about makeup? Oh, the vain women that we are, how the industry takes advantage of us. Have you noticed how the expensive serum that is supposed to erase all signs of age comes in a glass bottle with a pump that leaves a good half inch at the bottom? I have bruised my palm by pounding the remaining miracle-working serum free from its lowly place. We are charged for the full product, even if we are unable to reach the full product.

Tubes won't give up all its lotions and creams either. I've never been a tight-wad but I do like to get my money's worth. I don't go so far as snipping off the top in order to get to the bottom, but I've thought about it. I usually give in to the manufacturer's intent, and go out to buy another one.

But I have found a way to ease my frustration. I only buy moisturizer in wide-mouth jars so I can use every last bit. I run my frugal finger all around that jar until it's completely empty. I got my money's worth. Many foundations can be found in jars with openings wide enough to cake the very last smidgen on your face. I support these products since they were designed to be easily consumed.

Have you ever had your shaving cream stop working even though you shake it and hear something in there? Do you stand your ketchup on its head so gravity will do its work? Do you add a little water to your shower gel, shampoo, or dishwashing liquid, shake it to mix with the remaining product, so you can use it once more? Maybe I am a tight-wad. Or maybe manufacturer's just know how to package their products so we will purchase more often.

Still, I believe it's the cosmetics industry that gains the most by their packaging. They pretty much have full rein because we, as women, are more concerned about how we are packaged.


cheryl said...

Good post! I can relate to every item you mentioned. No, you are not a tight wade. I look at it like this, I don't want the manufacturer's to get the last laugh. I can't tell you how many times I have squeezed the toothpaste tube when I know many people throw it away thinking they have gotten all they can. I have put the Cascade bottle upside down and gotten at least 4 more washings.

I feel a great sense of VICTORY!!!! Excuse me while I put another load of clothes in the dryer and reuse the dryer sheet I had from the last load!!!

cheryl said...

sorry "tight-wad" ... (where's my BB dictionary?) lol

DESTINED2B said...

I love what you've done with your page. It's absolutely beautiful. I'm still kind of new to blogging and haven't gotten the decorating party down pat yet. Any suggestions? Some of the designs that this site has doesn't really fit my style to much.

Anyway I had to let you know how much I admire your work. It's simply elegant.

Melanie Hendrickson

Donna said...

I totally agree! We are to be frugal. How about the bottled salad dressing without the plastic cap and tiny hole to restrict flow. You end up with much more than you would have allowed on your salad.

angela | the painted house said...

Clayton laughs at me when the tube of toothpaste is flat and he wants to throw it away but I won't let him--"There's at least a week's worth of brushing left in that tube!"

Great post, Mom!

Leigh said...

I hate the stickers on fruit that never come off all the way.
But worst of all is the way they package toys. Glue, wires, rubber bands, some toys take tools to get out of their boxes. It's crazy!