We had a fun tea party this weekend. It wasn't a political tea party, but one where we did girl stuff. Baylee and Sophia helped me mix the cake batter. Each girl had fun adding an ingredient. They lined the muffin tin with baking cups and soon our cupcakes were cooling. We decorated them with Halloween sprinkles and candy corn.

Sophia got the hang of the art of frosting. This smart girl would take a bite, then frost, then take another bite.

Baylee enjoyed using the sprinkles but her favorite was making cats out of candy corn.

Of course we had to have a picture of our pinkies sticking out.

Papa even joined in on the fun. We had to keep refilling our tiny tea pot with apple juice to keep our four tiny cups full. The girls loved being able to pour their own "tea".

A sweet hug while wearing their tutus. I had to laugh when Baylee said, "We're wearing our tiaras and we are three princesses and Papa is our servant." Girls learn the ropes awfully young.
1 comment:
I know you had such a good time. I'll bet those girls are a hoot together! Baylee, those are some wild pants you have on!
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